Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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User #71473
Assigned Spaces
Assigned Pages
- WMI Process Watcher
- Process Enumeration
- Magical Mutt v1.0 Sprint 2 Retrospective 2016-02-24
- Retrospectives
- Winhex
- Ghidra
- Magical Mutt v1.0 SECRET
- Basic Bit v1.1 SECRET
- Basic Bit Archived Versions
- Magical Mutt SECRET
- Magical Mutt v1.0 Sprint 1 Retrospective 2016-02-16
- Retrospectives
- JDW 19 Planning Notes empty
- JDW 19 (2016)
- JDW 18 Lessons Learned
- JDW 18 (2015)
- JDW 18 Results
- Anti-Sandboxing: Wait for Mouse Click
- PSPs vs. DLL Injection SECRET
- Basic Bit v1.0 SECRET
- Basic Bit SECRET
- Comodo SECRET
- PSP Process Names from DART
- Shellterm v3.0.1 Test Server SECRET
- Shellterm 2.10 Test Server SECRET
- Hook Functions via Export Address Table (MISCHookFunctions_EAT_NTRN) SECRET
- Hook Functions via Microsoft Detours (MISCHookFunctions_DTRS) SECRET
- HammerDrill v2.0 Developer Notes SECRET
- HammerDrill v2.0 SECRET
- HammerDrill SECRET
- Hook Functions by Replacing References (MISCHookFunctions_RPRF_NTRN) SECRET
- Hook Functions via Import Address Table (MISCHookFunctions_IAT_NTRN) SECRET
- Windows Function Hooking
- Inject Dll From Memory Into A Remote Process (InjectLibraryFromMemory_NCPT - Inception) LIAISON Releasable SECRET
- CCDF Data Standard
- OXF Data Standard
- NOD Persistence Specification
- NOD Kernel Execution Specification
- NOD Cryptographic Requirements
- NOD In-memory Code Execution Specifications
- File lists
- Standards and Specifications
- List of ideas for fun and interesting ways to kill/crash a process (WreckingCrew)
- User #77176's awesome tool names page
- Payload Deployment Unit Tests Issue Tracker SECRET
- LOL Java
- noob 3
- noob 2
- AVG Catches a Payload Dropped to Disk and Launched via Link File Well After Execution SECRET
- Wait, didn't I just securely delete that file? SECRET
- TODO: Something SECRET
- Avast
- F-Secure SECRET
- Zemana Antilogger empty
- WMI in C++ via WbemScripting
- System Monitoring and Manipulation Library SECRET
- Test Files
- File lists
- Taxman
- F-Secure Entropy Defeat
- Comodo Recycle Bin Defeat
- Comodo 6.X Gaping Hole of DOOM
- Bitdefender Resource Defeat
- Avira Entropy Defeat
- AVG Fake Installer Trick
- Bitdefender Resource Defeat
- Comodo 6.X Gaping Hole of DOOM
- Comodo Recycle Bin Defeat
- AVG Fake Installer Trick
- User #71473's Home
- NERDS (Networking, Engineering, Research, and Development Symposium)
- F-Secure Entropy Defeat
- Avira Entropy Defeat
- AV Defeats
- User #71473 Home