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Owner: User #71473
WMI in C++ via WbemScripting
The following is an example of using WbemScripting to execute WMIWindows Management Instrumentation queries in C++, bypassing most (but not all) of the heinous COM setup/teardown boilerplate that natively calling WMIWindows Management Instrumentation requires. The advantage here is twofold:
- Less COM, and therefore less code
- An alternate signature to copy/pasta MSDNMicrosoft Developer Network example code for WMI
The code is (minimally) adapted from:
Step-by-step guide
- You'll need the wbemdisp.tlb file located in %windir%\system32\wbem – for this example I've hardcoded the #import path since as far as I know you can't use environment variables in preprocessor statements. (Once you have built the code once, the output folder will contain a .tlh file that can supposedly be used instead.
- Copy pasta the code below and tweak as needed.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <WbemDisp.h>
#import "C:\windows\system32\wbem\wbemdisp.tlb" named_guids
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
CoInitialize(NULL); // Initialize COM
// Create the WbemScripting locator object which we will use to access all other WMIWindows Management Instrumentation functions
WbemScripting::ISWbemLocatorPtr locator;
if (locator != NULL)
// Get the pointer to the WMIWindows Management Instrumentation service on the local machine
WbemScripting::ISWbemServicesPtr services = locator->ConnectServer(".", "root\\cimv2", "", "", "", "", 0, NULL);
// Get the list of objects of interest, in our case network adapters
WbemScripting::ISWbemObjectSetPtr objects = services->ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter", "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately, NULL);
// Create the enumerator for the object collection
IEnumVARIANTPtr obj_enum = objects->Get_NewEnum();
ULONG fetched;
// Iterate through the collection
while (obj_enum->Next(1, &var, &fetched) == S_OK)
// Get an object (an instance of Network adapter WMIWindows Management Instrumentation class)
WbemScripting::ISWbemObjectPtr object = var;
// Retrieve the properties
WbemScripting::ISWbemPropertySetPtr properties = object->Properties_;
// Check the adapter type by retrieving the "AdapterTypeID" property
WbemScripting::ISWbemPropertyPtr prop = properties->Item("AdapterTypeID", 0);
_variant_t value = prop->GetValue();
if (value.vt == VT_I4 && (int)value == 0) // If LANLocal Area Network adapter
// Retrieve the "MACAddress" property
prop = properties->Item("MACAddress", 0);
// And print it out
printf("MAC address found: %s\n", (const char *)_bstr_t(prop->GetValue()));
catch (_com_error err)
printf("Error occurred: %S", err.ErrorMessage());
return 0;
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