Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

Navigation: » Directory » Joint Development Workshop » JDW » JDW 18 (2015)
Owner: User #71473
JDW 18 Results
Topic 1: Windows Crashdump Analysis
- Developed a number of tools to help automate triage of large volumes of crash dumps
Topic 2: Windows JIT
- Developed kernel exploit primitives to enable faster weaponization of new exploits.
- Developed syscall fuzzing framework to more easily identify information leaks needed by the kernel exploit primitives
- Developed novel injection techniques for managed and unmanaged processes.
Topic 3: BadUSB
Topic 4: Android
Topic 5: iOS
2015-09-29 14:37 [User #71473]:
Yes... once we get our data back from the UK there will be presentations.
2015-09-29 14:34 [User #20251227]:
any chance of a presentation on the crash dump tools?
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