Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71473
TODO: Something
Current tasks:
- Finish new dev box setup
- Setup TMG on Windows 2008 Server
- DART: WinXP Pro SP3 English w/ Adobe VMVirtual Machine – why you hate my unit tests?
- DART PayloadDeployment
- Unittests for InjectICEFromMemory
Research topics:
- Payload Deployment: Inject Executable from Memory – once Amol does Load Executable From Memory
- Inject From Memory – Inception (stub DLLDynamic Link Library loader with parameter structure being header and DLLDynamic Link Library blob to load, based on hammerdrill)
- 64-bit Process Hollowing
2015-01-29 18:29 [User #71473]:
Ah, but lowly users can't create projects, and I find it silly to go begging an admin when I want to make a silly tasklist in Jira.
2015-01-29 07:55 [User #1179925]:
Some would say there is an Atlassian product to help you track this stuff....