Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71473
Anti-Sandboxing: Wait for Mouse Click
The Trojan Upclicker (as reported by eEye) uses the SetWindowsHookExA API with the WH_MOUSE_LL parameter to wait until the user lets up the left mouse button (WM_LBUTTONUP) before performing any malicious functionality (then it injects into Explorer.exe).
A sandbox environment that does not mimic mouse actions (probably most of them) will never execute the malicious behavior. This is probably effective against Kaspersky and others.
The Trojan Upclicker
Component Reuse
2015-08-03 15:59 [User #71473]:
Good call. Thanks for the cleanup.
2015-08-03 05:56 [User #524297]:
done, should probably link around rather than create copies. have theirs link here or vice versa
get User #4849738 to make you a Confluence poweruser.
2015-07-31 16:49 [User #71473]:
So, uh, I tried to copy this so I could move the copy over to Detecting and Bypassing Personal Security Products (PSPs) , but it won't let me move it. Can one of y'all fine RDBers do me a solid and move it over? Thanks!
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