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Owner: User #1179751
2. Source Control
AED has recently moved towards using Git for source control and uses it for all projects. We won’t go too in depth here because there is a better resource on confluence that can be found Git Tutorials . There are a few things to go over though:
- I highly recommend going to FIN or 4STAR and navigating to
- Read about Git Flow, the workflow we have begun to adopt in OSB, which can be found Git Workflows .
- Take a look around, you’ll get a chance to see some of the many projects that AEDApplied Engineering Devision has going on.
Setting up GIT:
- Navigate to the share \\fs-01\Share\Windows Software Development Resources\git
- Install the latest GIT: Git-X.X.X-previewX.exe
- Install the latest SourceTree: SourceTreeSetup_X.X.X.exe
- (OPTIONAL) Install TortoiseGit (if you like nice pretty green checkmarks or simply as an alternative to SourceTree:
- Generate GITSource code management software ssh-keypair:
- Open GITSource code management software bash (recently installed)
- ssh-keygen -t rsa -C -b 4096
As stated earlier, we use the workflow outlined in Git Flow and I wanted to highlight some key things. Git Flow is a fancy way of saying we follow a branching model that uses specific names. The branches are as follows:
- Master: Official releases, commits to this are tied to software available for use.
- Develop: Latest stable code. This code should be ready to be released at any given time and means it should be bug free.
- Feature/<BranchName>: This is where you get to play. Feature branches tend to belong to a single developer and should be focused on a specific requirement. Feature branches can be in any state.
- Hotfix: A branch off of Master that is meant to fix a specific small problem out of the traditional development cycle.
This brings us to our first new developer exercise: OSB Workflow In Git .
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