Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #1179751
5. Win32 Programming Gotchas
- Trying to find out whether a token other than your own (i.e., NULL) has admin privileges? Its so much harder than you would think... [BLOGPOST] content-title="I Just Want To Know If That Process Is Running As Admin... Is That So Wrong?" posting-day="2015/02/05" space-key="~User #71473"
- Calling CreateProcessW and your program isn't working? Its probably crashing, and here's why: [BLOGPOST] content-title="When Creating A Process Is Destroying *Your* Process" posting-day="2015/02/05" space-key="~User #71473"
- OSVERSIONINFO: When using GetVersionInfo and the OSVERSIONINFO you should note that Windows 8.1 will report as Windows 8 unless a specific modification to the manifest is made (see MSDNMicrosoft Developer Network)