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Strings-GUI: A quick and easy way for Windows developers to examine strings, in binaries for delivery (without even launching CMD!)
Hello, all! I've built a useful Windows utility for examining strings in binaries I've built. You may laugh, but I find it useful for the following reasons:
- I no longer have to find Sysinternals' "strings.exe" utility (on my dev. box, on DevLAN, on the Internet, wherever);
- I no longer have to copy it into my project's directory, or my %PATH%, or some other globally-accessible location; and
- I no longer have to open a command prompt, or even another Explorer window, to launch it. I just click the "Send To" button below:
Yes, I really am that lazy
If you would also like to be that lazy, please follow the steps below:
- First, download the linked file:
(It should work on any computer running Windows Vista or later...
on the off chance that it doesn't, please let me know! –User #72901 )
- Next, extract it somewhere on your local hard drive – I chose "C:\Program Files (x86)\":
- Then, run "Strings-GUI.exe" (double-click the executable or whatever you like). You should see the following message box:
- Choose "Yes", to register the 'Send To' handler. That's it, you're all set up!
(Feel free to close the window, unless you have something you want to evaluate right now.)
In the future, whenever you need to evaluate the plaintext strings in a binary, simply right-click
on the binary and choose "Strings-GUI " (below) :
And you should see the following:
Additionally, if you would like to take a peek at the source code for this very simple wrapper application,
it is attached here: Strings-GUI (revised, DataGridView-based).zip
NB (Nota Bene) : This tool actually contains (and uses) Sysinternals' "strings.exe" binary – as such,
please do not distribute it to any other organizations. (I believe that Sysinternals allows for internal
distribution, but I believe external distribution would constitute "publishing", which is prohibited.)
Please let me know if there's anything else that you need! –User #72901
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2014-02-05 11:19 [User #71473]:
Oh, also: I've got a Java-based GUIGraphical User Interface strings tool a buddy of mine in C3 wrote that might be useful (and nice to have for the non-Windows folks too). Its lets you adjust a lot of the parameters for what constitutes a string, has a sortable list view and allows set operations between two string dumps, which is nice if you want to see how different a trojanized vs. untrojanized binary are. Not as quick or as nicely integrated into the shell as this one though.
2014-02-05 11:16 [User #71473]:
This is hella tight bro. I approve
2014-01-27 08:15 [User #524297]:
Awesome addition User #72901! I really like seeing how others automate their workflow. Does it do Unicode strings in addition to ASCII? Can you adjust the string length?
For your source code, you should Create a New Personal Project in Stash and link to it from here!
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