Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #1179928
Setup / Test ASUSComputer manufacturer AC68U with ARM5 configured Cannoli 2.0 using BlisterBettle (1/30 - 1/31/16)
- Connect ZTE ZHXN LANLocal Area Network side to VLANVirtual Local Area Network 611 for Cannoli LANLocal Area Network side (DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol from DUTDevice Under Test / GW = .1)
- Cannoli-lan-1 VMVirtual Machine should obtain a IP address from the F660
On Cannoli LP:
- Unzipped Cannoli 2.0 zip in: /home/ndb/calibar/cannoli_v2.0.0/
- In /bin/ folder, copied the .cfg example file and make a calibar.cfg file with the LPListening Post IP as the #1 LPListening Post (
- Run the following command to create client & server files:
- ./CCT ../bin/arm5-32-LE-static/client/client prize-client ../bin/arm5-32-LE-static/server/server prize-server prize-config.cfg