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Owner: User #524297
Single Bus Theory
The question you must ask yourself EVERY DAY:
If your physical form were forcibly displaced from the space-time in which it occupied, by the sudden and urgent presence of a large commuter bus, would all the development work, ideas, and knowledge that you have contributed to the organization continue to be useful or even AVAILABLE?
Why is that so? What have you done today to preserve that information?
2013-05-08 17:46 [User #4849738]:
Selfish bastard...
2013-05-08 17:44 [User #71473]:
Also, I fail at replying, see message below.
2013-05-08 17:44 [User #71473]:
If I'm dead, I'm the poor bastard. I can spare no pity for those left behind when I'm dead in the ground
2013-05-08 17:39 [User #524297]:
LOL, but what about those poor bastards that have to pick up where you left off after you take it to the grave? I guess they're left to fend for themselves...
2013-05-08 17:24 [User #71473]:
My thoughts, ideas, work and knowledge are all my own and nobody else's
. #taketothegrave