Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #524297
Former Wiktator (or maybe Wiktator Reborn?), Current Pragmatic Programmer, and Agility Promoter.
Coffee Addict, Connoisseur of International Barbecues, and Varied Malt Beverage Enthusiast, former Purveyor of Fine Tobaccos.
Recovering World of Warcraft-aholic now on Hearthstone-methadone. Barely a Rake-beater in Limit Texas Hold'em, 5th Level Initiate of the 23rd Degree of the Bavarian Illuminati, and Seeker of Cosmic Encounters.
I enjoy long walks on the beach, preferably hauling a backpack full of bricks and carrying a large fallen tree, beer keg, or cement chunk over my shoulder. I also have a BJJ blue belt in hugging dudes. Romantic, I know.
And incidentally, don't trust anything from that @User #? dude. He's kind of a jerk.
Employment History
Timeline | Office | Job Title | |
2015 - 2018? | IOC Europe | TIO: Engineering | |
2013 - 2015 | IOC/EDG/AED/Embedded Development Branch (EDB) | TIO: Engineering | |
2011 - 2013 | IOC/FIO/Russia | TIO: Tradecraft | |
2008 - 2011 | IOC/COG/NOD/Network Research Team | TIO: Engineering | re-org'd out of existence, aka. "Not Really There" |
2003 - 2008 | IOC/EDG/AED/Unix Development Branch | TIO: Engineering | re-org'd out of existence, R.I.P. |
2000 - 2003 | Office of Security/Information Security Group/ISTAC | Information Security Engineer | re-org'd out of existence |
Currently Working On... |
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Now on Stash... |
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2015-02-11 10:06 [User #71473]:
Nice! Now I can hopefully figure out what badges are available
2015-02-11 09:53 [User #524297]:
Gamify! by Luxoft.
2015-01-28 18:56 [User #71473]:
Dude, what is the plugin for the Confluence gamification called? I can't find a list of badges and I must. Grind. BADGES!!!
2014-06-16 13:38 [User #20873326]:
Fingernail clippings?
2013-10-30 06:37 [User #524297]:
He had a large carved wooden desk that he carried with him from job to job. I shudder to think what was being stored in that desk that he couldn't leave behind.
2013-10-23 12:49 [User #71473]:
I just barely missed User #72744., but an old buddy of mine, User #72743, worked for him. He said he was "sorta funny". User #72742 apparently knew him as well and said he was "really odd"
2013-05-08 17:27 [User #524297]:
Yep, there's a good number of ISTAC(Branch; 2004 re-org'd out of existence ( refugees in AEDApplied Engineering Devision (and IOCInformation Operation Center in general). User #72745., User #72746 (Now NOD/CRT), User #?. User #72747 in Mobile and User #71379 were both in Security too. (I think User #72748 and User #72742 have been through there as well, but that was before my time).
Dude. Panty-Raider User #72744 was my boss. 'Nuff said.
2013-05-08 17:22 [User #71473]:
Oh snap, you were in ISTAC? I just missed you (2004, right before it got reorged out of existance)
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