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Owner: User #524297
Code Review
- Review code on a project for the following reasons:
- Correctness - Code should be not only error-free but also functional.
- Tradecraft - Code should follow tradecraft practices.
- Maintainability - Code should be easy to maintain by other developers.
- Read code at your own workstation.
If you are reviewing code:
- Take the time to understand code changes fully and their effect on project as a whole
- Provide constructive commentary.
- Promote discussion amongst the development team.
If your code is being reviewed:
Address all provided comments.
- Fix it: Create additional commits to fix issue.
- Flag it: Create a JIRAUser Managment Software (Atlassian) issue to track the issue and ensure that it will be fixed later.
- Fight it: Defend your decision/reasoning in a civil way to promote discussion.
- It takes a lot of time to read and understand code, so you should respectfully respond to all comments.
Address all provided comments.
Use available tools (i.e. Stash pull requests) to make this communication easier
- Configure Stash to Enforce Workflows and Pull Requests
- Configure Stash to Enforce Workflows and Pull Requests
- Clone, build, and run (if you can't do this easily, this is a problem)
- Provide only constructive comments to the original developer.
- Review in small logical chunks of code (a source file or module, small commits lead to faster and easier code reviews)
- Skim code superficially and blindly click 'Accept'
- Read code on a projector in a conference room (zzzzzz...)
Make code style comments just to start a flame war
Conduct a Code Review after a release candidate has already been delivered to IV&V. (What's the point? You can't incorporate any recommendations, and you'll bore everyone walking through the entire codebase!)