Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71473
Magical Mutt Sprint 2 Retrospective 2016-02-24
('details' missing)
What did we do well?
- Code reviews went well and were effective in finding issues
- Fleshed out most of the structure that will drive the rest of development
- User #14588054 found the setting to get default reviewers onto our pull requests
- Effectively used JIRAUser Managment Software (Atlassian) issues in the commit messages to track development
What should we have done better?
User #71473 seriously messed up the repository and it had to be recreated.
What will we do differently next time to improve?
When creating a project with the wizard it is important to let the wizard create the main project folder and do the initial push. Nesting a new solution inside an empty GITSource code management software repo causes major issues
ID | Status | Task |
1 | incomplete | @mention a person to assign them an action item |