Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71467
Cytolysis-1h HG v3.1.6 Test Plan
Test Plan for Cytolysis-1h v3.1.6
- Review open EARs for HG, in particular for the capabilties used in this CONOP
- Review test report and other documentation provided by Xetron with delivery
- Review HG commands document for capabilties used in this CONOP
- Confirm OSOperating System on ICON machine with Operator - complete - Debian 8.2
- HG Base -
- Install - complete - test 1
- IAC attack via admin subnet flux node
- Use remote to upload HG via admin subnet flux node
- Establish CTCounter Terrorism connection by triggering admin IP of DUT, call back via HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol Secure to external web server flux node
- Record CPU and memory impacts throughout, verify no syslogs, traps or other alerting behavior
- Uninstall - complete test 2
- Uninstall HG using CTCounter Terrorism command
- Collect "show tech" and other info (look for assists on linecards)
- Reload
- Collect "show tech" and other info
- After install, uninstall by just reloading device
- Collect "show tech" and other info
- After intsall, uninstall by hard reset of device
- Collect "show tech" and other info
- Restart HG modules from CTCounter Terrorism session - complete test 3, 6
- Verify no syslogs, traps or other alerting behavior
- Verify functionality of modules
- CT session - HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol Secure comms only - complete Test 7
- Verify CTCounter Terrorism session functionality using different hosts to impersonate
- Capture and review wireshark of CTCounter Terrorism session establishment and operation
- Test what logs are produced when trigger sent with incorrect sequence number - show snmp output, syslogs, prints to console, snmp traps, access-lists
- Test impersonation of hosts from different VLANs
- Install - complete - test 1
- Sup Failover Testing - Complete Test 11
- Verify state after failover
- Install on one SUP and then force failover through IOSApple operating system for small devices command
- Install on one SUP and then test crash to cause failover to other SUP
- Install on one SUP and then pull active SUP module to cause failover to other SUP
- Instlal on new SUP
- fail back to original and re-install
- Fail back to original and re-install
- Verify state after failover
- ACE - complete - test 9
- Enter all commands foreseen during op, variety of show commands
- Boundary testing - test entering commands that don't exist, typos
- Enter unsupported non-show commands
- Verify command history - show history, show history all
- Verify no syslogs, traps or other alerting behavior
- SMITE - focus on options -ac -sm -t - complete Test 12
- test that rules can be created/deleted/enabled/disabled with all parameters expected during op - timed rule, max times to affect, max per host
- test creating multiple rules at a time
- Test creating a rule that targets multiple source hosts to single destination as well as single source to single destination
- test that filterbroker can be restarted with active rules, with rules that are inactive, new rules can be entered after restart
- test iframe/exploitation of target
- Verify that counters increment in CTCounter Terrorism show commands related to SMITE
- Run wireshark on target and examen output of SIMTE session
- Verify no syslogs, DNSDomain Name System queries or SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol Traps sent during Iframe
- verify iframe not injected for traffic that does not match SMITE rule - from other hosts, from target host to different destination, traffic to other ports (test 443)
- Use SMITE while pps threshold is reached - this no longer relevant, no assist.
- Verify that traffic from other hosts that are not targeted in SMITE rule is not impacted by SMITE rule
- ARP survey - complete Test 8
- Verify results of socket get_arp_survey_data output
- Verify no syslogs, traps or other alerting behavior
- Tunnel - complete Test 10
- Establish Tunnel to host not on VLANVirtual Local Area Network 2 or VLANVirtual Local Area Network 19, calling back via HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol Secure comms
- Verify CTCounter Terrorism Tunnel show commands
- Attempt to run nmap against VLANVirtual Local Area Network 19 subnet
- Test impersonating different hosts for tunnel traffic
- Teardown tunnel - both normal and abnormal termination
- Re-establish tunnel
- Test pps limitation - tunnel teardown due to pps threshold reached
- Test tunnel behavior when TAPVirtual Network kernel device IP becomes active on network
- Test tunnel timeout parameter
- Test triggering as well as tun init
- Verify no syslogs, traps or other alerting behavior
- Collect and analyze wireshark of tunnel establishment and activity
- Performance Testing - Characterize CPU impact of capabilties - underway
- Establish Baselines for low, medium, high traffic levels
- impact of Tunnel at each level
- impact of SMITE at each level
- OPSEC Testing - completed in previous testing
- On-device
- Compare output of show tech without HG, with HG, and after HG uninstall
- Test Crash DUT
- On-net - review wireshark of CTCounter Terrorism session and Tunnel session
- On-device
- Smoke Test - complete
- Redirection - test15
- Packet Collection test16
- DIVRT - complete test 14
- Ad-hoc Testing - completed in previous testing
- line cards being taken out/added/reloaded
- loss of ICON connectivity during HG install
- changing/adding to NATNetwork Address Translation configuration
- explico
- MTU changes since hopping through so many flux nodes
- IAC and HG re-attack
- Perform system admin commands
- Add latency
- Run Stack Scrambler
- reload device during HG install
- perform system admin during HG upload
- Impact to SP and linecard CPU
- input queue buffer checks
- test RAA assists dropped when HG uninstalled
- test RAA dropped when packet assist threshold exceeded
- verify if assist for flux 4 ip is present during CTCounter Terrorism session
- Verify that impersonated host can still get to flx 4 ip and other places
- verify assist is dropped once max number of matches occur on smite rule, or time duration expires
- Verify CPU impact and impact to other hosts who are browsing to a SMITE rule destination, but do not match smite rule
- Complete CONOPConcealed Operation rehearsal
- Verify the anticipated CONOPConcealed Operation steps with Operator
Previous versions:
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