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Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

Navigation: » Latest version

Owner: User #71473

NERDS (Networking, Engineering, Research, and Development Symposium)

Have you ever...

  • had a great idea for a product that you wanted to implement, but wanted some feedback?
  • developed a solution to share with other developers who may encounter the same or similar problems?
  • written a neat piece of code that you wanted to show it off to some of your peers?


Previously, you’d have to organize a brainstorming session, design review, and/or code review by picking a time and date when interested folks might be available, reserve a space for it, etc. We all know how difficult that stuff can be.... We’d like to solve all those problems for you!

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Announcing the NERDStech talk series

Starting Friday, 5 Jun 2009, 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM (yes, that’s squeezed between lunch and Cookie Time – you know you weren’t doing anything productive anyway!); we’re hosting the first Networking, Engineering, Research, and Development Symposium (NERDS) tech talk!

The intent is to provide an informal and voluntary group to talk about projects, tools, techniques, or interesting aspects of a project that a wider audience (beyond the development team) might be interested in learning more about. There won’t be a right way or a wrong way, just examples. We don’t anticipate much structure or a set format, so come to the first session and see how it works out.

For example, if you want to present an architectural idea, bring some slides if you have ‘em, or just be prepared to diagram it on the whiteboard. If you want to show off some code, bring it on a CDCompact Disk or make sure it’s checked in somewhere.

To start, we are organizing 10 sessions and looking for ideas, topics, and presenters across AEDApplied Engineering Devision to fill out the first several sessions.


  • What: Network, Engineering, Research, and Development Symposium tech talk series
  • When: non-payday Fridays, 1:15 PM to 2:30 PM
  • Where: 9E53C demonstration room (EDBEmbedded Devices Branch Lab, 9E53C in DD2)
  • Questions: See co-chairs User #74880,, User #74857, User #74879, User #74901, User #74858, User #74859, or User #74860
  • Mailing List: The NERDS mailing list can be found on CWE at S:\DO\IOC\EDG ALL\EDG AE\NERDS\NERDS-mail-list.txt


For presenters, the demonstration room does have a DEVLAN drop, so if your slides/demos/whatever are on a DEVLAN machine with network access, you should be fine. The NERDS staff has a classified laptop running Ubuntu Linux, though you may also feel free to bring your own devices. The presentation stand has a VGA input, and any VGA-compatible laptop should work. (The NERDS team can also put our hands on a DVI-VGA adapter if necessary. Just make sure that your machine has working network drivers.

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(Incidentally, the NERDS team is also working on finding a MacBook Pro that we can set up to triple-boot into Mac OSOperating System X, Linux, and Windows, so that we’ll have the right environment for almost any presentation. We’ll let you know when we have such a machine up and running.)


Schedule of Upcoming Talks


Date Topic Branch Responsible Party Scheduler
Jan. 18, 2013 Available  
Jan. 22, 2013 PensiveTrace (ROP compiler toolchain) (User #74862., User #74889.) EDB/SNL
Feb. 1, 2013 Windows 8 briefing by NSANational Security Agency (User #74873., POSTPONED) NSA
Feb. 15, 2013 Available  
Mar. 1, 2013 Kaspersky Defeats (User #74871.) EDG/RDB
Mar. 15, 2013 EIB TownHall [Devlan modifications/upgrades] (User #74876.) EDG/EIB User #?
Mar. 29, 2013 AFD Malware RE tour (User #74898.) EDG/RDB User #?
Apr. 12, 2013 JQC as a rootkit and KitV (User #74904./ User #74868.) EDG/ESD/SDB User #74859
Apr. 26, 2013 Forensics Overview of the Alternate Data Stream (User #71578) EDG/SED User #74851 User #?
May 10, 2013 Overview of the OXF data standard. (User #71567, User #74886., User #74864.) EDG/SED User #? User #?
May 15, 2013 Out of Cycle - AEDApplied Engineering Devision Source Control: Bamboo/Stash (User #?, User #74863., User #74856) OSB/RDB   User #?
May 24, 2013 CANCELLED   User #? User #?
Jun. 7, 2013 IOS False Off (User #74891.) AED/MDB User #74859 User #?
Jun. 21, 2013 Available   User #74853 User #?
Jul. 5, 2013 CANCELED
Jul. 19, 2013 RAVAGE - A Hosted Network Implementation Prototype (User #? ) ESD User #? User #?
Aug. 2, 2013 CANCELED
Aug. 16, 2013 Black Hat Outbriefs   User #? User #?
Aug. 30, 2013 CANCELED  
Sep. 13, 2013 Available   ? ?
Sep. 27, 2013 Available   ? ?
Oct. 11, 2013 Available   ? ?
Oct. 25, 2013 Available   ? ?
Nov. 8, 2013 Available   ? ?
Nov. 22, 2013 Available   ? ?
Dec. 6, 2013 Available   ? ?
Dec. 20, 2013 CANCELED
Jan. 3, 2014 CANCELED


Talks to be Scheduled


Man in the Middle Extravaganza (User #74860.) EDB
Windows 8 briefing by NSA (User #74873.) NSA
JQC (User #74885.) ET
Jenkins/Hudson (User #74859., User #74869.) EDB,MDB
Intro to Parallel Computing APIs (User #74865.) EDB
Red Hat VMWare Briefing (Norman St. Laurent Red Hat
Brewmiester (User #74896.) TBD
Hive Lessons Learned (User #74863., User #74857., User #74859., User #74860.) RDB,EDB
RSA (User #74892.) AIB
Memory Forensics AFD
User #71532  


Other Topics: Black hat, Shmoocon, JDW, DEFCON, Scamp, SWSW

Previous Presentations


Date Topic Branch
Jun. 05, 2009 Building Cross-platform collection tools with CMAKE (User #?, User #74852, User #?) UDB
Jun. 19, 2009 Cancelled due to CBOC (Any Guesses what this stands for?)  
Jul. 03, 2009 Federal Holiday - Enjoy the Day off  
Jul. 17, 2009 Scunnel - Automated Testing, Tracking + Fixing Bugs, & PEID usage (User #74877, User #74878) WRB
Jul. 31, 2009 User #74855’s talk moved to 8/14/09  
Aug. 14, 2009 Babel and SourceForge (User #74894.) NB
Aug. 28, 2009 Something about Stack Security (User #?, on stack overflows from Black Hat’s Exploit Lab) UDB
Sep. 11, 2009 ExpressLane - USBUniversal Serial Bus Data Exfiltration From a Biometric Border Crossing System (User #74854 and User #74850) WAB
Sep. 25, 2009 Building Small-footprint Bootable Media Collection Tools with Linux (User #?, User #74898.) UDB
Oct. 09, 2009 More Tricks for Defeating SSL (Moxie Marlinspike, Black Hat Video [Exploitation]) (Cancelled due to equipment issues)  
Oct. 23, 2009 Advanced Windows Implementation Details - Highlights from the Windows Internals Class (User #74877.) WRB
Nov. 06, 2009 Attacking the Eye-Fi Wireless SD Card Firmware (User #74867) NB
Nov. 20, 2009 BadMFS - A Covert File System for the MARATHON Base Implant (User #74886., User #74882.) Note that meeting will be in 4C82!!! AIB
Dec. 4, 2009 MagicBox and Assymmetric Crypto (User #74875., User #74887.) AIB, MDB
Jan 15, 2010 Agile-An Introduction to Scrum (User #74895.) AED SI
Jan 29, 2010 CIB - COG‘s Covert Infrastructure for Network Attacks (User #74909., User #74912.[COG/NOD/CIB]) AIB, CIB
Feb 12, 2010 MOS - A Mobile Framework Library for the DS&T (User #74849) EDB
Feb 26, 2010 Collide (User #74872., User #74870.) AIB
Mar 12, 2010 EDG AllHands (Nerds Postponed) EDG
Mar 26, 2010 Ergostar (Geoff) AIB
Apr 9, 2010 gPXE TLSTransport Layer Security Crypto Vulnerability (User #74860) EDB
Apr 23, 2010 Synchronizing iPhone source code across isolated development machines with git (User #?, User #74859.) MDB/EDB
May 7, 2010 Development Best Practices, Tools, & What AEDApplied Engineering Devision wants from Contractor tools (User #74874.) ET
May 21, 2010 Babel: Automated Continuous Integration and Testing (User #74894.) AIB
Jul. 16, 2010 **Does AEDApplied Engineering Devision want a cross-platform communications library? ** (User #74908.) Additional Notes/Comments SED
Jul. 29, 2010 (Thurs) (Non-Black Hat) Training and Conference Roundup AED
Aug. 06, 2010 How C3 Does Software Engineering (User #74849 S.) EDB
Aug. 13, 2010 Handling International Data Collection (User #74880., User #74877.) MDB, RDB
Aug. 27, 2010 Embeddable RAM-based Linker (User #74885.) TDB
Sep. 10, 2010 Black Hat Outbriefs (Black Hat Attendees) AED
Sep. 24, 2010 Southwest Summer Workshop Report: User #?’s Summer Vacation (User #74887.) MDB
Oct. 1, 2010 (OOC) JDW Outbriefs (JDWDevelopment Facility of GCHQ Attendees) AED
Oct. 22, 2010 Survey of Embedded Devices (User #74910.) EDB
Nov. 14, 2010 (Thurs) Holstein: Apple iPod Covert Storage (User #74861.) MDB
Dec. 3, 2010 TenCent QQ (User #74884.) ESD/SDB
Feb. 25, 2011 Lessons Learned While Porting Miniloader From 32- to 64-bit (User #74881.) AIB
Mar. 3, 2011 Black Hat and ShmooCon Round Table (User #74900., User #74907., User #74859., User #74848, User #74858.) EDB, AIB
Mar. 18, 2011 Torpedo (User #74854.) OSB
Apr. 1, 2011 Fluxwire (User #74903.) COG
Apr. 15, 2011 Core Jacking (Pikewerks) SED/ETB
Apr. 22, 2011 Field Software Engineering Lessons from NEUROMANCER (User #74866.) EDG
Apr. 29, 2011 Wiki/Jabber/Network Infrastructure (User #1179825., User #74911., User #74902., User #74859.) EIB/EDB
May 13, 2011 C+ +0x and The RAII Idiom (User #74899.) :collaboration:nerds-cpp-raii.pdf OSB
Jun 3, 2011 PSPs in Your Cloud: The Rise of Cloud-Based AntiVirus and Personal Security Products (User #?) NSA/TAO
Jun. 10, 2011 Investigation of Embedded Databases on iOS and Android Devices (TBD) MITRE
Jun. 24, 2011 Thread Monkey (User #74885.) TBD
Jul. 8, 2011 TBD (TBD) TBD
Jul. 22, 2011 Canceled  
Aug. 5, 2011 BowmanHeir (User #74901.) RDB
Aug. 19, 2011 Eliminating Code Bloat (User #74883.) RDB
Sep. 2, 2011 Holiday  
Sep. 9, 2011 Remote iOS Exploit (User #74900.) EDB
Sep. 16, 2011 Sandia Work (User #74872.) EDB
Sep. 30, 2011 Remote iOS Exploit Part II (User #74900.) EDB
Oct. 14, 2011 IPV6 (User #74893.) EDB
Oct. 21, 2011 Evolution of Cellular Networks (User #74906.)  
Oct. 28, 2011 Canceled EIB
Nov. 11, 2011 Holiday  
Nov. 18, 2011 Intro to Parallel Computing APIs CANCELLED DUE TO SICKNESS (User #74865.) EDB
Nov. 25, 2011 Holiday  
Dec. 9, 2011 TBD (TBD) TBD
Dec. 23, 2011 Holiday  
TBD VMware updates/upgrades (User #74876.) EIB
Feb. 3, 2012 EDG Only: Career as a Field Officer and 2013 Field Engineer Position at NeuroMancer (Vihn B.) AED
Feb. 16, 2012 DVR (Out-of-Cycle, Off by One) (User #74861.) MDB
Mar. 2, 2012 :Ergostar II (User #74890.) AIB
Mar. 16, 2012 Horizon: A proof of concept Tool management system for AEDApplied Engineering Devision (User #74875.) AIB
Mar. 30, 2012 The Adventures of C-runtime Linking (User #74883.) RDB
Apr. 13, 2012 Milestone (User #74897.) EDB
Apr. 20, 2012 TIO observations (User #74854.) AED
Apr. 27, 2012    
May 11, 2012    
May 24, 2012 Research@Intel Conference-staff only (User #74865.) EDB
May 25, 2012 CANCELLED  
Jun. 8, 2012 User #74891 Coordinated–Raytheon Pikewerks
Jun. 22, 2012    
Jul. 6, 2012 CANCELLED  
Jul. 20, 2012 Hacking Virtual Machines (Mark St. Laurent-Red Hat)  
Jul. 30, 2012 AEDApplied Engineering Devision Software Development Workshop User #74857
Aug. 3, 2012    
Aug. 17, 2012    
Aug. 24, 2012 Nvidia GPU ESD
Sep. 7, 2012 Black Hat Presentations AED
Sep. 14, 2012    
Sep. 20, 2012 Red Hat  
Sep. 28, 2012    
Oct. 19, 2012 Python Crypto Importer (User #74900 and User #74905.) EDB
Oct. 26, 2012 Hacking a Parking Meter (Ben C. Coordinated) Raytheon
Nov. 9, 2012 Mocana Cryptographic Library (User #74877 and User #71585) Mocana
Nov. 15, 2012 PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) Whitelisting ESD
Nov. 23, 2012 CANCELLED  
Nov. 30, 2012 Grasshopper (not kung fu) (User #74888.) RDB
Dec. 7, 2012 RabbitHole, A Windows Exploitation Library (User #74886.)  
Dec. 14, 2012 Windows 8 (EIB(Branch) Coordinated) External
Dec. 21, 2012 CANCELLED  


Proposed Topics

Seeking Feedback, Ideas, & Presenters

  • Source Forge
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Key Logger implementation considerations
  • Listening post communication protocols
  • Configuration files
  • Implant configuration & deployment mechanisms
  • Patchers
  • Strings
  • USB Covert channels, covert data storage
  • Covert store-and-forward package routing
  • Babel
  • Packet chunking (breaking long uploads/downloads into smaller pieces).
  • Automated Build and Regression Testing Systems
  • Google Test Framework
  • Happiness

Recent space activity

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Space contributors

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