Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #20251227
Development VMs
As of 28-Oct-2015
As of 28-Oct-2015:
Debian 7.8, x64
Installed Software:
- Python 3.4.3 (had to compile it on the box, which meant that certain packages/libs had to be installed ref: Build Python 3.4 on Debian/Ubuntu )
- Libs required to build a complete Python 3.4.3
- Virtualenv 13.1.2 (**not** installed, but used to create a virtualenv for Python 3.4.3), into which was installed:
- pyOpenSSL 0.15.1
- cryptography 1.0
- pycrypto 2.6.1
- cffi 1.2.1
- idna 2.0
- pyasn1 0.1.8
- pycparser 2.14
- six 1.9.0
- pip 7.1.2
- wheel 0.24.0