Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #20251227
Development VMs
This page is for recording any information related to the development/build VMs that are in use by the project. Ideally, this information should be able to allow one to replicate a particular VM, in order to avoid the "Works on my box!" phenomena. Note that the dev boxes should not be overly customized such that one runs into a "Works on my VM!" phenomena, as that really defeats the entire purpose, which is to allow someone to quickly get rolling and/or provide a "known good" environment for debugging & troubleshooting.
Windows 7 x64 (en_windows_7_professional_n_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677207.iso)
- Installed OSOperating System updates via devlan WSUSWindows Server Update Service via How-To: Configure a non-domain-joined Windows workstation to use DevLAN's WSUSWindows Server Update Service (Windows Server Update Services) host
VM Settings:
- Memory: 4GB
- Processors: 4
- Disk: 60GB
- Network Adapter: NAT
- \\fs-01\share\Python\3.4\cpython\3.4.3\python-3.4.3.amd64.msi
- IDA 6.6
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Applications\Notepad++\npp.
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Applications\WinHex\WinHex
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\PEBrowse\PEBrowse64\v4.1\PEBrowse64Setup.msi
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\PEBrowse\PEBrowse\v10.1.4\ (This is unpacked to C:\Users\developer\Desktop)
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\Visual Assist\VA_X_Setup2076.vsix
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Applications\Wireshark (Ethereal)\Wireshark-win64-2.0.0.exe
- PEBrowsePro
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\Visual Studio 2013\en_visual_studio_premium_2013_with_update_5_x86_dvd_6815742.iso
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\UnxUtils\ (This is unpacked to C:\UnxUtils)
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\git\git_for_windows\2.5.1\Git-2.5.1-64-bit.exe
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Applications\Sysinternals\ (This is unpacked to C:\20150720_SysinternalsSuite)
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\DDK\GRMWDK_EN_7600_1.ISO
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\Vim\gvim74.exe
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\Debugging Tools for Windows\Windows_Win7x86.7600.16385.090713-1255.X86FRE.Symbols.msi
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\Debugging Tools for Windows\Windows_Win7x64.7600.16385.090713-1255.X64FRE.Symbols.msi
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\Visual Studio Plugins\VsVim_20150722.vsix
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\Doxygen\doxygen-1.8.10-setup.exe
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Applications\7-Zip\7z930-x64.msi
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\Visual Studio Plugins\GoogleTestAdapter-0.2.2.vsix
- \\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources\git\git Extensions\GitExtensions-2.48.05-SetupComplete.msi
Misc Configurations:
Control Panel->Folder Options->View
- display the full path in the title bar
- show hidden files, folders, and drives
- hide extensions for known file types
- hide protected operating system files
My Computer->Manage-Advanced
- Edit, Environment Variables->System Variables->Path
- Append ;C:\20150720_SysinternalsSuite;C:\Python34;C:\UnxUtils\bin;C:\UnxUtils\usr\local\wbin
Debian Stable (currently 8.2, amd64)
Selected "Other Linux 3.x Kernel 64-bit" in VMWare
Used :
Performed netinstall using mini .iso from DevLan repo:
Eastern Time Zone, US English, Debian deskop environment (MATE), standard system utilities, unchecked print server,
Installed (note that it is likely that there are dependencies for the below which were auto-installed as part of the installation of the desired package):
(also note that unless otherwise specified, all of the below were installed from the Debian repos (main, contrib, and/or non-free)
- (already installed) Python 3.4.2
- (already installed) libsqlite3-0 (3.8.7)
- sqlite3 (3.8.7) (note: this is just a cli to interact w/ sqlite3 databases, installed for convenience)
- nginx (1.6.2)
- uwsgi (2.0.7)
- uwsgi-plugin-python3 (2.0.7)
- uwsgi-emperor (2.0.7)
Miscellaneous Software/Dev tooling:
- open-vm-tools-desktop (9.4.6) (incl. open-vm-tools)
- cifs-utils (6.4) (dev-tooling only, optional, useful for mapping network shares like a share drive on the host) (installs a ton of dependencies, like samba)
- doxygen (1.8.8)
- git (2.1.4)
- dos2unix (6.0.4)
- tree (1.7.0)
- vim-gtk (7.4)
- virtualenv (13.1.2) (likely will NOT be used on production box)
- sqlalchemy (1.0.11) (installed in virtual environment created with virtualenv for ease of development, will likely be installed to "bare metal" in production)
2015-11-05 04:48 [User #524297]:
Look into using Vagrant for automating the process of configuring your development virtual machines. Then you can store this configuration alongside of your source code in version control.
"Infrastructure as code".
Previous versions:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |