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Owner: User #14587612
Earl Grey v1.0.2 cppcheck analysis
./cppcheck --template=gcc --enable=all --force ~/cmn/Earl_Grey_v1.0.2/ 2> ~/cmn/earl_grey_v1.0.2_cppcheck.txt
- In Makefiles, cppcheck is being run every build: cppcheck -f ${INCLUDES} ${C2_MODULE_SRCS}
- Missing some checks, only reports error messaages by default, need to add more with "--enable="
- Ignored any errors that are in DEBUG() macros, since they won't affect release builds
/home/User #77498/cmn/earl-grey-1.0.2/common/randomNumber.c:164: style: Assignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function.
- looks like they meant to pass a seed to init random number generator, but instead are using the current time (in secs)
- implant/rp/c2_manager.c calls randomInit(time(NULL))
- redundant but no material effect
/home/User #77498/cmn/earl-grey-1.0.2/exploit/clear_history_on_sip.c:28: portability: scanf without field width limits can crash with huge input data on some versions of libc.
- sscanf() has potential portability issues - if porting to another ASRAzure Site Recovery target then there's potential this call will read in the wrong number of bytes
- verified recalc_csum() is now only called by recalc_csum_int() (EG-5)
- implant/qfp/trigger.c
- has issues; dead code, not compiled into current baseline; may want to remove from repo so no one decides to borrow from it in the future
- home/User #77498/cmn/earl-grey-1.0.2/implant/rp/c2_manager.c:850: portability: scanf without field width limits can crash with huge input data on some versions of libc.
- scanf() same as above, potential issue if code is ported to new ASRAzure Site Recovery target
- implant/rp/remote-gdb.c
- line 385: fflush(stdout);
- looks like it's leftover for debug printing - implant isn't writing to stdout in release build, can be removed, but also shouldn't be causing any issues
/home/User #77498/cmn/earl-grey-1.0.2/implant/rp/util.c:77: warning: Storing fgetc() return value in char variable and then comparing with EOF.
/home/User #77498/cmn/earl-grey-1.0.2/implant/rp/util.c:84: warning: Storing fgetc() return value in char variable and then comparing with EOF.char/int casting - fgetc() returns an int, or EOF
- /home/User #77498/cmn/earl-grey-1.0.2/server/server_cli.c:392: portability: fflush() called on input stream 'stdin' may result in undefined behaviour on non-linux systems.
- C std says flushing input streams results in undefined behavior; gcc should handle, but you never know between different versions
- /home/User #77498/cmn/earl-grey-1.0.2/server/server_cli.c:873: error: Memory leak: local_input
- validate_cidr_ip() never frees local_input char buff
/home/User #77498/cmn/earl-grey-1.0.2/utilities/obfuscator/ppc_obfs.cpp:225: error: Invalid pointer 'elf_header' after push_back().
/home/User #77498/cmn/earl-grey-1.0.2/utilities/obfuscator/ppc_obfs.cpp:215: error: Invalid pointer 'program_header' after push_back().push_back() creates a new copy of the string. both elf_header and program_header are pointing to the original copies, and working with the old data
when doing make clean release, -DDEBUG_ON during build
server/Makefile line 68:
gcc ${LINKER} ${INCLUDES} ${WARNINGS} -Os -std=gnu99 ${D_DEFS} ${DEBUG_DEFS} -o $@ ${LP_CLI_SRCS}
gcc -Wl,-T script.ld -I . -I ../common/ -Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Os -std=gnu99 -DDEBUG_ON -o lp server_cli.c fixup_modules.c ../common/aes256.c ../common/md5sum.c ../common/protocol.c ../common/shared_utils.c
====> this is the LPListening Post binary; should be fine, but no reason to be passing DEBUG_ON in release mode