Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #14587667
MikroTik Hotspot / Paywall Analysis
- Configured MT Hotspot (paywall) feature. This creates several firewall rules on the MT and applies them to the interface the hotspot was enabled on.
- Enabling the hotspot features disables WebFig on that interface. Winbox is still accessible on that interface.
- If authenticated, WebFig can be accessbile at another IP of the MT (ie another LANLocal Area Network or the WANWide Area Network)
- Can obtain WANWide Area Network IP from /proc/net/arp. Can Chikorita be ported to grab this file (unauthenticated)?
- The following results were obtained when run unauthenticated to the paywall.
- "nmap -sS" shows IPs as up but really is just MT IP (false positive).
- "ping" says 'Destination Net Prohibited'.
- "nmap -PU" performs a UDPUser Datagram Protocol scan and receives results (appears to bypass MT FW). ie. "nmap -PU <IP> -p 80"
- When doing an nmap TCPTransport Control Protocol scan, the MT spoofs each IP that is scanned. Results returned are those that pertain to the MT itself.
- sudo nmap -PU -p 80
- sudo nmap -PU -p 80
- sudo nmap -sS -p 80
- sudo nmap -sS -p 80