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Owner: User #2064619
Updating the Windows Symbol share via the Internet
Step-by-step guide
- If you don't have an SDKSoftware Development Kit and/or "Debugging Tools for Windows" (aka windbg) installed on your devlan machine and your 4-star. Install it.
Use symchk.exe to generate a manifest of missing symbols.
Example: symchk.exe /om symbols_manifest.txt /r C:\Windows\System32 (note this example assumes the use of the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH env var)
- Review your symbols_manifest.txt (because you will be transferring this to an unclassified internet machine) and remove any classified or project specific names of dlls, exes, etc.
- Transfer the symbols_manifest.txt file to your internet machine.
- Use symchk.exe to pull down the symbols in the manifest from microsoft's symbol store.
Example: symchk.exe /im symbols_manifest.txt /s srv*C:\download_symbols_here\*
- Transfer symbols to devlan (warning this can several GBs).
- Copy the fresh symbols to the share: \\fs-01\share\WindowsSymbols for all to enjoy.
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