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Owner: User #2064619
Updating the Windows Symbol share via the Internet
Step-by-step guide
- If you don't have an SDKSoftware Development Kit and/or "Debugging Tools for Windows" (aka windbg) installed on your devlan machine and your 4-star. Install it.
Use symchk.exe to generate a manifest of missing symbols for the current machine.
Example: symchk.exe /om symbols_manifest.txt /r C:\Windows\System32 (note this example assumes the use of the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH env var)
- Review your symbols_manifest.txt (because you will be transferring this to an unclassified internet machine) and remove any classified or project specific names of dlls, exes, etc.
- Transfer the symbols_manifest.txt file to your internet machine.
- Use symchk.exe to pull down the symbols in the manifest from microsoft's symbol store.
Example: symchk.exe /im symbols_manifest.txt /s srv*C:\download_symbols_here\*
- Transfer symbols to devlan (warning this can several GBs).
- Copy the fresh symbols to the share: \\fs-01\share\WindowsSymbols for all to enjoy.
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('contentbylabel' missing)
('details' missing)
2015-09-04 07:48 [User #1179925]:
Fair enough. I was just giving you a hard time. I think eventually it should be put on DART. The DARTTest-Software (commercial) admins have higher priorities currently, but once they get it to a good state, the symbol updates shouldn't be too difficult.
2015-09-03 09:51 [User #2064619]:
I made this in the hope that others will pull symbols when they find they are missing. I just did a pull for latest Windows 10 patches earlier this week.
Longer term, it might be more ideal to have VMs on the low side that apply new updates and update symbol info and cache it – lots of care and feeding here. Other ideas that User #? had was maybe the DARTTest-Software (commercial) folks could help us here... but I don;t know their capacity or other challenges they may have doing it.
2015-09-02 08:00 [User #1179925]:
Just curious. Is the how-to written in hopes that someone else will pull down and update the symbols or did you just update them all?