Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #20251227
Page of Holding
Miscellaneous stuff goes here.
Mount a CIFS/Windows share on Linux w/ "good" user permissions:
(may need to install cifs-utils, will likely need to execute command as root)
mount -t cifs -o rw,domain=<Windows domain>,user=<Windows user>,uid=<local Linux user>,gid=<local Linux user>,file_mode=0644,dir_mode=0755 //<ip>/<sharename> <mountpath>
Blog Post Ideas
- MIME and Python's SImpleHTTPServer
- Python's SimpleHTTPServer, reverse DNS, and hangs
- Python's 'is' versus '=='
- Python decorators
- vdb/vtrace tutorials
- vstruct tutorials
- Reversing/ASM/IDA stuff
- IDAPython QuickStart
- Using IDA in batch mode
- Similarity Analysis w/ BinDIff
- ???