Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71491
This page is still under construction.
If you came here looking for information on how to work with EFI, that has been moved to EFI/UEFI Information .
Project Objective:
Mac OSOperating System X EFIExtensible Firmware Interface implant which uses an EFIExtensible Firmware Interface driver stored on the EFIExtensible Firmware Interface system partition to provide persistence to an arbitrary kernel implant.
Table of Contents:
- Stash Repository
Project Members:
- User #73993’s Home - Project Lead and Developer
- User #71491’s Home - Developer
2015-10-06 08:27 [User #524297]:
example Vagrantfile to setup VMVirtual Machine for Spottsroide automated post-processing
2015-10-05 10:54 [User #524297]:
look into using the
to script out your setup on a base Ubuntu VM. in the docs, the section you want is probably (off the top of my head) "Provisioning". -
2015-10-05 09:37 [User #71491]:
I ended up moving the information for this page to Setting Up a Linux Build Environment for EFI , for those interested. I've looked into how to use Vagrant to do those tasks, but haven't quite figured it out yet.
2015-08-17 09:02 [User #524297]:
this sounds like a job for Vagrant!
Previous versions:
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