Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #20251227
This page is to try and collect information that is useful for someone coming onboard. Once this gets fleshed out a bit more, it will be moved out of my personal space and into the general wiki.
Useful DevLan locations:
- "\\fs-01\home" This is where you can create a (semi-sorta, but not really) home directory for yourself
- "\\fs-01\share" This is the everything repo.
- "\\fs-01\share\Windows Software Development Resources" This is where you will find software necessary for doing things such as setting up a dev environment
- "\\fs-01\share\Windows Applications" This is where various applications, etc (e.g., nasm) reside
- "\\fs-01\share\WindowsSymbols" Where the symbols for Windows reside. The maintainer(s) & maintenance intervals are currently unknown.
Useful Links:
- DEVLAN Resources – links
- "" This is the wiki's home page. You should already know this if you are reading this.
- Create Your Own Personal Space in Confluence– Useful to start creating your own pages of notes, etc.
- "" This is where code repos reside.
- Create a New Personal Project in Stash– Useful to start creating your own code repos
- GIT is the (distributed) version control system of choice around these here parts. Fortunately, a few folks have made wiki pages that have references:
- Git Reference – page of useful links for further info.
- Git Tutorials – as advertised
- Git Tips & Tricks – Please add to this page as you find useful/neat things
- VIM is also used around these here parts:
- Vim – useful links
- Vim Editing Tips – Please add to the page as you find useful/neat things
- Vimrc Tips – nifty items to add to your VIMLinux editor config file
Mandatory Training:
(These are not hosted on DevLan)
- To be filled in
- To be filled in
Baseline list of programs for your Development Environment (varies by group & projects):
- To be filled in
- To be filled in