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Owner: User #524297
Vim Editing Tips
Switch to a quick Hex mode (Linux)
Editing a binary file ends up looking something like this in Vim :
Type the following to run the buffer through the xxd
hex dump command on Linux:
The buffer will change to the following:
0000000: 022d 0000 0518 0000 bd00 0d00 1bca 0000 .-..............
0000010: 031c 7f15 04ff ff00 1113 1a19 120f 1716 ................
0000020: 0000 0000 3000 6c01 0000 0000 022d 0000 ....0.l......-..
0000030: 0500 0000 bd00 0d00 1b8a 0000 031c 7f15 ................
This is not a true hex editor! Only changes in the hex columns will carry through a restore!
Restore the original with the following:
:%!xxd -r
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