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Owner: User #71467
How to Create a New swindle.crt file for Blot
How to Create a New swindle.crt file for Blot
The following steps are approved by Xetron to generate a new certificate for the swindle.crt file used in Blot SSLSecure Socket Layer communications with an implant:
- openssl genrsa -out new_key.pem 1024
- openssl req -new -key new_key.pem -out new_req.csr
- openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in new_req.csr -signkey new_key.pem -out new_cert.crt
swindle.crt file should take format:
<output of openssl x509 -in new_cert.crt -noout -text>
<contents of new_cert.crt>