Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71467
PackGen Issue with 32-bit Libraries
PackGen 32-bit Libraries Issue
When PackGen was installed in the TR, received error messages relted to when trying to run it for the first time. Error message said PackGen could find PackGen/components/tools/rumble_32, even though the file is present, with execute bit set and permissions open. Worked with User #77763/Xetron to resolve this issue. This is a problem with the 32-bit linker, and it can be resolved in two steps:
- Copy the 32-bit linker file - from PackGen/components/Command_Post/CutThroat/2.7/Ubuntu_12.04_x86_64/ to /root/lib/ manually
- Set library path - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ubuntu/PackGen/components/Command_Post/CutThroat/2.7/Ubuntu_12.04_x86_64/
Alternate solution, connect to devlan repo and download 32 bit libraries - apt-get install ia32-libs.
Xetron expects to have this fixed for HGUMR10 delivery.
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