Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71467
Test Plan for Adverse-1h
- HG Base
- Install - COMPLETE - test 2
- Uninstall - via CTCounter Terrorism command - COMPLETE test 3
- Restart modules - COMPLETE - test 12
- CT Session - COMPLETE - test 2
- Persistence
- Persist through reload - COMPLETE - Test 6
- Persist dns checkin changes - COMPLETE - Test 13
- Persist dns checkin timer values - COMPLETE - Test 13
- Persist trigger sequence number - COMPLETE - Test 13
- Test capability to snoop - COMPLETE - Test 7
- Change SDCMicrosoft software packaging format settings - COMPLETE - Test 14
- DNS checkin after SDCMicrosoft software packaging format window expires using dns snooped host list - COMPLETE - Test 15
- Deadman
- Test failsafe due to no hosts to impersonate - COMPLETE - Test 4
- Test failsafe due to negative response from DNSDomain Name System - COMPLETE - Test 9
- Test failsafe due to no response from DNSDomain Name System - COMPLETE - Test 18
- Test failsafe due to no CNAME present - COMPLETE - Test 17
- On-Device OpSec
- Verify show tech before install, after install, after uninstall - COMPLETE - Test 3
- DNS Checkin
- Change checkin parameters - delay, variance - COMPLETE
- Disable/Enable checkin - COMPLETE - Test 2
- Reload module - COMPLETE - Test 12
- Verify all CNAME rewrite commands
- loc1 - update failsafe counter - complete - Test 2
- bls - uninstall - complete - Test 3
- time - checkin every 25h - complete - Test 21
- info - callback once a day -
- loc3 - go back to nominal checkin frequency (15d) - complete Test 2, test 21
- map2 - smite - complete - Test 24
- ship - internal use - call back
- map1 - internal use - change delay 15d - complete - Test 24
- tanker - internal use - delete all mitm rules - complete -Test 24
- CONOP test
- Ad hoc
- Reload DUTDevice Under Test during HG upload - COMPLETE - Test 5
- Uninstall and then subsequent reinstall - COMPLETE - Test 10
- Disable SDCMicrosoft software packaging format and set rapid checkins - COMPLETE - Test 11
- Stop Checkin module and reload DUTDevice Under Test - COMPLETE - Test 13
- Test HG persistence after power pulled - COMPLETE - Test 20
- Test failsafe due to unexpected or multiple CNAME present - COMPLETE - Test 23
- ROCEM v1.2-Adverse-1r Testing [Xetron]
- HG v3.1.3-Adverse-01 Testing [Xetron]
- Powerman-1r Testing [Xetron]