Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71473
User #77013's awesome tool names page
Just a list of tool names I would very much like to use at some point because they are awesome. These are mostly oblique references to things I like, tvtropes names that amuse me and situations or phrases at work encoded in toolname-esque obscurity.
- Mendicant Engineer – reserved for the next tool delivered during a gov't shutdown.
- Starving Weasel – reference to the Weird Al song Albuquerque; "Hey, you've got weasels on your face"
- Face Hugger – Aliens
- Eldritch Abomination – tvtropes
- Xanatos Gambit – tvtropes
- Deadpan Snarker – tvtropes
- Combat Pragmatist – tvtropes
- Awesome McToolname – tvtropes
- Chekhovs Gun – tvtropes
- Humongous Mecha – tvtropes
- Literal Genie – tvtropes
- Monster Clown – tvtropes
- Confused Undertaking
- Discharge Tempest