Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Frog Prince
Frog Prince is a FI implant system ...
Unit testing
System Testing
System testing is directed at the Frog Prince system (i,e. C2, LP, and implant). The battery of tests concentrate on round trip functionality, i.e., demonstrating correct operations starting at the C2 and traversing through the LP, to the implant and back to the C2.
The testing uses DART as the primary test tool. Additional tools, are comprised of scripts, user input files, tailored utilities, and Linux utilities.
Test cases, test artifacts (logs, output files), test documentation (description, goal), test results,
System testing comprises three levels, A, B, and C, with level A being the highest priority, broadest tests and level C the lowest priority, detailed or isolated tests. Level A tests can only be done in the context of the system. Level C tests only differ from unit tests in the sense that they are run within the system instead of within test wrappers.
A - high level end-to-end tests
- create a get command (via the UIUser Interface), send to implant, inspect returned queue state(s) and data
- memory load a DLL, execute it, validate the results
B - high level one-way tests
- implant a target, verify it installs and beacons
- verify a new implant beacon creates a new queue
- verify a file retrieved by get - arrives at C2 compressed and encrypted
C - detailed specific tests
Test Configuration
The following configurations are used for the DARTTest-Software (commercial) tests. This essentially refers to the Virtual Machines configured for testing.
This is a configured Linux (Ubuntu) system with the xxx transport and Frog Prince code installed and configured. A snapshot is available for reverting to the known state
This is a configured Linux (Ubuntu) system with the xxx transport and Frog Prince code installed and configured. A snapshot is available for reverting to the known state. The C2 and LPListening Post are, optionally, co-located on one VM.
The current FrogPrince LPListening Post is accessed via VMSphere. It is located on under Dart Datacenter/ It will be migrated in he menut to be under non-import-poo-linux
Target System
These are standard DARTTest-Software (commercial) provided Windows configurations. Each test will apply the Frog Prince implant as its first step.
Test cases
get command
put command
memory load command
memory unload command
set command