Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Frog Prince De-Install Tests
4.1.7 The implant shall include a self-delete capability
4.1.8 The implant shall provide the operator with an explicit run time self-delete capability
4.1.9 The implant's self-delete capability shall be operator configurable to remove the implant at a configured date/time
4.1.10 The implant's self-delete capability shall be operator configurable to remove the implant after a relative install time
4.1.11 The implant's self-delete capability shall remove all files created by the implant that contain state, configuration, tasking, and results
4.1.12 The implant's self-delete capability shall use a 1 pass overwrite when removing files.
4.1.13 The implant's self-delete capability shall overwrite the file name with random characters when removing files.
4.11.14 The implant's self-delete capability shall transmit a final beacon indicating that self-delete has begun.
- Find utility to restore erased files
- build implant with relative de-install time or set relative de-install time
- Write scripts for user interface
- de-install immediate command
- de-install at date/time
- de-install at relative date/time
- queue status/list
De-Install Tests
Manual (command) Test
- run script de-install immediate
- Monitor Target
- x file(s) present
- task list check?
- system log?
- Monitor LP
- response file?
- status of child queue(s)
Automated (relative time) Test
- load pre-configured build or send set command to configure a relative time
- wait until relative time
- Monitor Target and LPListening Post for de-install
Automated (fixed time) Test
- load pre-configured build or send set command to configure a fixed time
- wait until fixed time
- Monitor Target and LPListening Post for de-install