Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #524297
Git Tools
Command Line Tools
Git For Windows - Git-1.8.3-preview20130601.exe
Git 1.8 source tarball - git-
Graphical User Interfaces
SourceTree for Windows - SourceTreeSetup_1.5.2.exe
SourceTree for Mac OSOperating System X - SourceTree available on smb://
License File for SourceTree (for when it starts bugging you): sourcetree.license
Tools for Managing Branches
gitflow.tgz - Git addon for using branches as described in the successful-git-branching-model.pdf article.
Tools for Managing Multiple Repositories Simultaneously
Repo - Tool from Google for managing a large number of interdependent repositories. Helpful if you're doing development in both the child projects and the parent repository simultaneously.
Plugins for Vim – Tim Pope's awesome git vim plugin.
Plugins for Visual Studio
GitSccProvider.msi (Note: Update 2 for VS is VS2012.2.exe)
2013-06-20 09:55 [User #524297]:
Fixed! (and updated to 1.8.3)
2013-06-20 09:25 [User #71473]:
FYI, the GITSource code management software for Windows link is pointing to the wrong file. I got VS2012.2.exe when I downloaded it.
2013-05-14 11:24 [User #524297]:
Completely agree. I think that pointing to a folder on the share will be the best "go-to" place for the latest. I wish the share wasn't such a landfill though. It could use some serious purging. Attaching stuff here should be a good temporary measure to get folks started on trying it out.
2013-05-14 10:12 [User #2064619]:
Just a thought... might be more beneficial to link to something like "file:///fs-01/share/Windows Software Development Resources/git" rather than uploading to Confluence. I can't see how uploading versions of git tools to Confluence would scale very well.
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