Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #1179751
User #1179751's Home
A Collection of somewhat, but not quite, useless information
('jira' missing)
2015-02-10 14:57 [User #71473]:
Congrats on finally locking down your user page. But now what am I going to do when I am here until AfterMidnight (lolz) and I feel compelled to deface a page?
2015-02-06 01:31 [User #71473]:
Still haven't cleaned up and locked down your user page I see... too bad I am too tired to find anything creative or original to further deface it with. So I'll just do something trite and hackneyed instead...
2015-02-04 23:29 [User #71473]:
Its 11:30... time to deface people's unprotected user pages...
2015-02-04 21:08 [User #71473]:
So... I fixed all my tests and was rerunning them in DART, and somebody had a bamboo build for bartender that took over an hour to complete and was hogging the XPWindows operating system (Version) 64 VMVirtual Machine I needed. Now I'm here past 9 trying to make sure all my frickin tests passed.
You are so dead...
2014-02-06 11:07 [User #524297]:
I’ve half-jokingly said that I’m going to either pull the division into the 21st century or go down kicking and screaming.
We will go down in flames together!
2014-02-05 17:21 [User #71473]:
User #1179751, you get a "Like" on your page for somehow magically knowing that the Resource APIApplication Programming Interface calls on windows are (weirdly) asynchronous, which totally explained the weird-ass timing issues we have been seeing for months across all of the resource-based config GUIs.