Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71475
Devlan simple pip index
I have a script running auto-generating a pip compatible index of every package in \\fs-01\Python\packages directory. Simply dropping a file in that folder means it should show up within the next 5 minutes in the index.
The index is created in the "simple" directory. You can install from this index using:
pip install --index-url=file:///path/to/share/Python/packages/simple/ foopackage
Note - the pypi server I'm hosting on is now a better, fuller implementation. I'm still generating the 'simple' index in the packages directory, but your mileage may vary on that one
I also have it shared from a web server at:
pip install --index-url= foopackage
On the low side, you can use the pip2pi package to automatically download python packages and their dependencies from pypi without installing the packages. (use the pip2tgz command from pip2pi)