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Owner: User #71475
Devlan simple pip index
I have a script running auto-generating a pip-1.5.4.tar.gz compatible index of every package in \\\Python\packages directory. Simply dropping a file in that folder means it should show up within the next 5 minutes in the index.
The server used to pull from \\fs-01\share\Python\packages, but fs-01 caused endless headaches so it has been moved to a different file server. There is a link from the Python folder on the fs-01 share called 'pypi' that links to the new folder.
you can access it at and use it as follows:
pip install --index-url= foopackage
On the low side, you can use the pip2pi package to automatically download python packages and their dependencies from pypi without installing the packages. (use the pip2tgz command from pip2pi)
As of pip version 1.1, you can pass the --download option to download the package and its dependencies without installing.
$ pip install --download=/path/to/download/dir <package name>
You can set this as the default by updating your pip configuration file (~/.pip/pip.conf on *nix, %HOME%\pip\pip.ini on windows) like this:
index-url =
trusted-host =
2015-08-31 14:38 [User #54198274]:
add this line to the pip.conf file if you're using a newer version of pip that yells about https
trusted-host = -
2014-06-13 11:09 [User #524297]:
Just drop a line to someone in EIB, they can set up the DNSDomain Name System entry. Doing this for
right now; it redirects to an add-on in Confluence that serves up your Confluence avatar. -
2014-06-13 10:25 [User #71475]:
Went ahead and made it available from normal (80) ports, so this can happen =D
2014-06-12 15:44 [User #11628734]:
It would be really nice if someone were able to point to the repo on DEVLAN so pip could work without having to specify a repo url.
2014-06-12 11:56 [User #71475]:
Completely agree on proper mirrors... I have a script ready to go on the low side to do a full mirror of pypi, any idea how we can go about getting someone to transfer it? Or what would be the "right" way to get this done?
2014-06-12 09:36 [User #524297]:
Hah, right after I manually copied up
too. Nice job. I'd still like to get some good proper mirrors going again though. Pypi, rubygems, opencsw, homebrew, etc. -
2014-06-11 16:45 [User #11628734]:
Oh, wow. What a simple, great idea. You are the MAN!!!
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