Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #4849738
User #4849738
Pages | Date | User |
Blog posts:
[User #4849738]: Synchronization with parent and child process via WaitForInputIdle() when calling CreateProcess()
WaitForInputIdle can be useful for synchronizing a parent process and a newly created child process. When a parent process creates a child process, the CreateProcess function returns without waiting for the child process to finish its initialization. Before trying to communicate with the child process, the parent process can use the WaitForInputIdle function to determine when the child's initialization has been completed. For example, the parent process should use the WaitForInputIdle function before trying to find a window associated with the child process.
[User #4849738]: Is your NTQueryObject on a _SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX failing due to the PIDProcess ID being greater than 16 bits?
Try calling with class SystemExtendedHandleInformation structure which takes a ULONG_PTR as 32-bit