Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #13763861
Binary Verifier
When creating a binary to bring from the high side to the low (either for a delivery, or for an internal lab tool) typically requires moving and reviewing files several megabytes in size. A review process must involve two people checking the binary to make sure it does not have any classified information embedded in it. This onerous process relies only on human review, which may or may not be consistent depending on the reviewers, time of day, and other external factors. The Binary Verifier will simplify this process by turning the review into a two step process. Step one generates a list of strings that require human review (still by two people). The Verifier filters out any perviously verified strings - as determined by a whitelist. Additionally it immediately alerts if the binary contains any strings from a blacklist. Finally, if the Verifier knows