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Queue Proxy
The Queue Proxy program, qproxy, provides command line access to the queue implementation on the C2. The user interface (UIUser Interface) and the transport use this program.
Command Line
qproxy -q <que_id> <command> [flags] [parameters]
OS Return Codes
These are incomplete, actual numbers to be refined and may./will change during development
0 - success
1 - unspecified
2 - invalid arguments
3 - queue does not exist
4- queue not locked
5 - invalid task id
Output of list command which varies by -v parameter.
- Only one command (aka positional parameter) per execution
- Program returns operating system numeric return code
- From and to parameters may be either task ids or numeric index positions (except for delete command, which must be task id)
- To get a status update from LPListening Post use a commit with no changes (e.g. use --force --clear --immediate)
- Flags (single - plus letter or โ plus word) which are stand alone can be commands or modifiers to commands
- Flags with a following word/phrase are parameters. They provide supplemental information to commands e.g. -v
- Flags or parameters that are superfluous to a command are ignored e.g. a --json with an append
qproxy -q boss0042 lock // acquires lock as current user-id, fails if already locked by other user
qproxy -q boss0042 lock --force --clear // forces a lock, clears all non-committed changes
qproxy -q boss0042 --force --clear --immediate // forces lock, clears changes, commits changes, unlocks
qproxy -q boss0042 list -v working // prints list of current (low) queue with current (non-committed) changes
qproxy ingest --file update.tar // processes command in update.tar file (usually queue update from LPListening Post), then deletes file
qproxy -q boss0042 append --immediate -f dirwalk.bin -desc "dirwalk c:" // appends dirwalk.bin to existing changes on queue boss0042, commits changes, fails if not locked
command = <task_cmd | queue_cmd >
task_cmd =
append | prepend | move | insert | delete queue_cmd = queue_system | queue_local
queue_local =
pop | lock | unlock | list | ingest queue_system =
commit | create | remove
append - append task file specified by -f to queue
prepend - prepend task file specified by -f to queue (i.e. put in first index)
move - move task from position specified by --from to position specified by --to
insert - insert task file specified by -f to queue position specified by --to
delete - delete task specified by queue position --from
pop - undo last change made to queue
lock - lock queue for use by current user, required to make changes
unlock - release queue so other users may access queue for changes
list - write various aspects of queue (specified by -v) to standard otu
ingest - process commands and data in tar file (specified by -f) Usually queue update from LP
commit - bundle all changes into tar file and send to LP, clear change file locally
create - create files and directory structure for a new, empty queue specified by -q parameter
remove - delete files and and directory structure for the queue specified by -q parameter
flags = flag [flags]
flag =
// lock, task_cmd, commit, unlock
// lock command always succeeds (will bump current lock owner)
// clear all uncommitted changes, before preforming task_cmd
--json //
list low, working, or high views and other views except changes in JSONJavascript Object Model format Proxy JSON Outputs
parameters = parameter [parameters]
parameter =
-q --queue <que_id>
-f --file <task_file | tar_file>
// required for (append, prepend, and insert) | ingest --from <index | id >
// required for move --to <index | id>
// required for insert and move
--desc <description>
// longer description, required, meant for task command line
--shortdesc <description>
// shorter description for compact display, optional, defaults to original filename -v --view
< low | working | changes | high | user | elapsed | lasttime >
// default = working
low - last know state of low (LPListening Post) queue
working - low queue with current changes applied
changes - set of current changes in order of application
high - low queue with all changes, committed and current, applied in order
user - user name of last user of locked queue
elapsed- number of seconds since last queue update from LPListening Post was processed
lasttime - C2 time of last update received from LP
description - alphanumeric string id - alphanumeric, fails on conversion to number
index - digits only / numeric
que_id - alphanumeric, at least 5 alphanumeric (fisrt 4 are parent id)
task_file - file name of file to be copied into queue
tar_file - file name of tar file to be processed / ingested