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The Queue program, queue, provides command line access to the queue implementation on the LP. The user interface (UIUser Interface) and the transport use this program.
Command Line
queue -q <que_id> command [parameter]
Return Codes
These are incomplete, actual numbers to be refined and may./will change during development
0 - done, no error
1 - queue does not exist
2 - no data
3 - file does not exist
filepath of next task file to implant
Only one positional parameter (aka command) per execution
Operating system numeric return code code
next parameter returns full path to next task file via stdout
There are no user locks for the queue. A hard lock is used during execution, which should take only milliseconds
queue -q boss0042 ingest --file=changes.tar // processes command in changes.tar file (usually queue changes from C2), then deletes file
queue -q boss0042 next // get the next task file
queue -q boss0042 succeed -f /d/gibson/boss0042/u1001 // file specified successfully sent
command = next | ingest | fail | succeed | exist | clone | create
next - Copy the next task file off queue and print full filepath to stdout, return "no data" error code if queue empty
fail - Delete file specified (with -f), from last next command, and log failure
succeed - Delete file specified
(with -f),
from last next command), remove from queue, and send queue update to C2
ingest - process tar file specified (with -f) then delete file. Usually queue updates from C2
exist - return "queue does not exist" or "no error" depending on existence of queue
clone - copy specified queue structure/files to create a new queue specified by -to parameter
create - create new queue with default
named by -q parameter
parameter =
-q --queue <que_id>
-f --file <task_file | tar_file> // required for succeed, fail, delete, or ingest
--to <que_id> // required for clone
que_id - alphanumeric, at least 5 alphanumeric (first 4 are parent id)
task_file - file name of file to be deleted (succeed) from queue
tar_file - file name of tar file to be processed / ingested