Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

Navigation: » Directory » Automated Implant Branch (AIB) » AIB Home » Project Requirements » Medusa v2.0
Port Existing Collide-Compatible Tasker to Generic Python Application
('details' missing)
- Run on Linux without the Collide overhead
Simplify the user experience
Background and strategic fit
- List the assumptions you have such as user, technical or other business assumptions. (e.g. users will primarily access this feature from a tablet).
# | Title | User Story | Importance | Notes |
1 | | The tool shall have the ability to modify all configuration variables (unless explicitly marked otherwise) at runtime and persist those changes | Must Have |
Derived |
2 | | The tool shall uninstall after an absolute date. |
Must Have | |
3 | | The input parameter value for the uninstall command shall accept either NOW or OFF | Must Have | |
4 | | The tool shall be able to support tasking directing it to perform the following: | Must Have | |
5 | |
Retrieving files from (get) and placing files on (put) the target computer. Files shall be encrypted and optionally compressed in transit and shall be decrypted upon receipt by its intended recipient (either the target machine or the high side processing system). |
Must Have | |
6 | | The results of a GET command shall include the metadata from the original file, to include the original full path on the target computer. | Must Have | |
7 | | Registry updates( create, update and delete entries) and collection | Must Have | |
8 | | Executing executables present on the target system and returning the results to the LP | Must Have | |
9 | | Results shall include the fulle STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR results | Must Have | |
10 | | Results shall include the executable path that the file is running from | Must Have | |
11 | | The tool shall be able to delete files from the target system | Must Have | |
12 | | The tool shall be able to search the file system based on: | Must Have | |
13 | | Shell globbing | Must Have | |
14 | | Querying the windows search service (if the service is enabled on the target box) | Must Have | |
15 | | The tool shall have the following beacon interval timer parameters | Must Have | |
16 | |
The tool shall include a beacon interval period which measures the minimum period of time between subsequent beacons. This interval shall be configured as a period of time in seconds. |
Must Have | |
17 | | Beacon jitter | Must Have | |
18 | | Beacon jitter varies between +/- 5% | Must Have |
User interaction and design
Using argparse to format and parse acceptable command syntax
Use flags to tokenize values
SEARCH command will have the following capabilities:
-- swalkdir - recursively search for a string in a directory path
-- sdirlist - search filenames for a string in a directory path
-- slike - filename pattern match
-- scontains - file name or file content pattern match
-- sfreetext - file content pattern match
-- sliteral - any valid WSS search command
Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
Question | Outcome |
(e.g. How we make users more aware of this feature?) |
Communicate the decision reached |
Not Doing
- List the features discussed which are out of scope or might be revisited in a later release.
Previous versions:
| 1 |