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queue command format
Queue Proxy
qproxy -q <que_id> <command> [flags] [parameters]
command = <task_cmd | queue_cmd >
task_cmd = append | prepend | move | insert | delete
queue_cmd = queue_system | queue_local
queue_local = pop | lock | unlock | list | ingest
queue_system = commit | create | remove
flags = flag [flags]
flag =
--immediate // lock, primitive_base, commit, unlock
parameters = parameter [parameters]
parameter =
-q --queue <que_id>
-f --file <task_file | tar_file> // required for (append, prepend, and insert) | ingest
--from <slot | id > // required for move
--to <slot | id> // required for insert and move
-v --view < low | working | changes | high | user | timer > // default = working
id - alphanumeric, fails on conversion to number
slot - digits only / numeric
que_id - alphanumeric, at least 5 alphanumeric (fisrt 4 are parent id)
task_file - filename of file to be copied into queue
tar_file - filename of tar file to be processed / ingested
queue -q <que_id> command [parameter]
command = next | ingest | delete | fail | succeed | exist
parameter =
-q --queue <que_id>
-f --file <task_file | tar_file> // required for (append, prepend, and insert) | ingest
que_id - alphanumeric, at least 5 alphanumeric (fisrt 4 are parent id)
task_file - filename of file to be deleted (succeed) from queue
tar_file - filename of tar file to be processed / ingested
Queue Tar File -
cmd_file [task_files] //cmd_file must be first in tar file, no nested folders
task_files = [task_file] [task_files]
task-file = binary file representing tasks // required for append, prepend, insert
cmd_file = <json_cmds>
json_cmds = command <cmd> queue <que_id> timestamp < time> user <userid> data <data>
// the literals (e.g, command) above are json tags or keys in the python dictionaries
cmd = 1 // create queue
2 // delete queue
3 // update queue
que_id - alphanumeric, at least 5 alphanumeric (fisrt 4 are parent id)
time = numberic time // int(mktime(gmtime())) when command sent
userid = os userid, numeric
data = [change_list]
change_list = < json_changes>
json_changes = cmdseq <seq> respseq <seq> updates <changes>
// the literals (e.g, updates) above are json tags or keys in the python dictionaries
seq = numeric // one-up numbers for que updates cmd from qproxy, resp from queue
changes = change [changes]// a python list of change strings
change = <verb> [to] [from] [filename]
verb = 0 // NOP
1 // insert
2 //append
3 //prepend
4 // move
5 // delete
to = <slot | id>
from = <slot | id>
id - alphanumeric, fails on conversion to number
slot - digits only / numeric