Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
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Owner: User #3375506
Caterpillar Design
Refer to Caterpillar v1.0 User Requirements Document (URD) IMIS: 2014-0638 Revision K January 30, 2014.
Use cases
Use Case 0: Operator exfiltrates a file.
Use Case 1: Operator exfiltrates arbitrary bytes of a file.
Use Case 2: Operator exfiltrates a glob.
Use Case 3: Operator resumes an aborted exfiltration.
Public interfaces
Low-side client
WinShell interface
ICE interface
High-side server
Runtime parameters
Low-side client
A resource will convey runtime parameters.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
subject_filename | String | Fully qualified filename with globbing | C:\data.txt |
caterpillar_chunksize | Integer | Outer Caterpillar subject chunk size (B) | 1045876 (1 MB) |
exfiltration_rate | Integer | Bits per second | 1045876 (1 Mbps) |
state_filename | String | Fully qualified filename to persist state | C:\state.txt |
instance_identifier | Integer | Deconflicts concurrent sessions | 0 |
begin_index | LongLong | Subject begin offset (modulo filesize, inclusive, B) | 0 |
end_index | LongLong | Subject end offset (modulo filesize, inclusive, B) | -1 |
destination_ip | String | Destination IP | |