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Kernel to User land: APC injection
When running in Kernel mode, it may be necessary to inject code into a User-land process. There are two ways that Asynchronous Procedure Calls (APCs) can be used to accomplish this goal.
Method 1: Queue User APCAsynchronous Procedure Call to Alertable Thread
This method requires the kernel code to find a thread in the target process that is in an alertable state. This method relies on searching undocumented structures in the ETHREADis an opaque structure that servers as the thread object for athread structure for each thread. There is a flag that is set if a thread is Alertable. This section could be expanded to give more information in the future... It is general thought that this method is a
bit unreliable, and subject to Microsoft randomly changing the ETHREADis an opaque structure that servers as the thread object for athread struct (and the structures within it).