Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #1179751
My First Test
Ok all, this is going to be a little bit of a brain dump/note taking area as I figure out Dart. Eventually I'll clean it up.
At this point I've followed the steps on the Getting Started page. Now we'll prove that things work...
First reserve a VMVirtual Machine by going to
Select the computer you want to reserve, enter a name in the reverser's name slot and hit "reserver". Now a couple of notes about reserving vm's. We are on the honor system, meaning you can reserve as many as you want and return to testing any vm. Put in a name so everyone else knows who to go after if it is in a reserved state for a long time. Also, reserving doesn't do anything special other then tell overmind not to use the vm's for testing purposes. Just because I reserve something doesn't mean another person can't use it. So again, honor system.
The reason we reserve a system is so while we are testing and running our scripts overmind doesn't come in and blow us away.
Run a script via undermine to get a feel.... From the tybase folder run the following command bin/undermine leafbags/tyworkflow/overlib/preflight/ X.X.X.X
where X.X.X.X is the ip address of the vm you reserved.
Alternatively you can run bin/undermine overlib.preflight.service_ping_test X.X.X.X (this is the python way)
If everything works you should get a "COMPLETION: success 'success' dialog.
Creating your own leafbag.
Creating a leafbag isn't too difficult as long as you do it right, do it wrong and you'll hate life.
First, create a folder for your project. In this example, I'm working with GlowingNeedle and so I created a folder called 'glowingneedle'. This name is for the most part, arbitrary, you won't have to type it in too often, so make it descriptive. Now, inside glowingneedle make another folder. This name has to be unique amongst all your leafbags, so I prefaced it with my project name's initials and ended up with gn_basic_tests.
Inside gn_basic_tests I need to make at least two files. The first is (underscore underscore init underscore underscore . py), this file has to be named this (and not __init.py__ <- two of us can tell you this from experience), inside have one line stating #LEAFBAG
The second file will by whatever you test's name will be, for me I copied here.
Once the folder structure is created, navigate to tybase/leafbags and create a symlink to the top folder the command for me was ln -s ../../glowingneedle glowingneedle
now to run your test simply type bin/undermine gn_basic_test.service_ping_test X.X.X.X