Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #1179751
My First Test
Ok all, this is going to be a little bit of a brain dump/note taking area as I figure out Dart. Eventually I'll clean it up.
At this point I've followed the steps on the Getting Started page. Now we'll prove that things work...
First reserve a VMVirtual Machine by going to
Select the computer you want to reserve, enter a name in the reverser's name slot and hit "reserver". Now a couple of notes about reserving vm's. We are on the honor system, meaning you can reserve as many as you want and return to testing any vm. Put in a name so everyone else knows who to go after if it is in a reserved state for a long time. Also, reserving doesn't do anything special other then tell overmind not to use the vm's for testing purposes. Just because I reserve something doesn't mean another person can't use it. So again, honor system.
The reason we reserve a system is so while we are testing and running our scripts overmind doesn't come in and blow us away.
Run a script via undermine to get a feel.... From the tybase folder run the following command bin/undermine leafbags/tyworkflow/overlib/preflight/ X.X.X.X
where X.X.X.X is the ip address of the vm you reserved.
Alternatively you can run bin/undermine overlib.preflight.service_ping_test X.X.X.X (this is the python way)
If everything works you should get a "COMPLETION: success 'success' dialog.