Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #1179751
Getting Started
Download the Fedora 18 VMVirtual Machine from \\FS-01\Share\Dart\Virtual Machines (not required if you have a linux machine you already like).
Import the ova file into VMWare Workstation by double clicking it.
user name and password for fedora vm = tester, 123ABCdef.
Download VSphere client – the latest version is 5.1.0 which is available on \\fs-01\share\EIB\VMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-786111.exe
login information for VSphere:
user: Tester
pass: 123ABCdef.
If you're using Ubuntu and don't have mercurial installed, you'll need to pull it down. There are devlan repositories for Ubuntu available here Instructions for setting them up are here Once you're repositories are setup run:
sudo apt-get install mercurial
In the linux vm you need to pull down the mercurial repos (pull both into the same folder so they are peers)
> hg clone
> hg clone
once cloned, navigate to tybase and tyworkflow folders and run make.