Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #1179751
Getting Started
Download the Fedora 18 VMVirtual Machine from \\FS-01\Share\Dart\Virtual Machines (not required if you have a linux machine you already like).
Import the ova file into VMWare Workstation by double clicking it.
user name and password for fedora vm = tester, 123ABCdef.
Download VSphere client – the latest version is 5.1.0 which is available on \\fs-01\share\EIB\VMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-786111.exe
login information for VSphere:
user: Tester
pass: 123ABCdef.
If you're using Ubuntu and don't have mercurial installed, you'll need to pull it down. There are devlan repositories for Ubuntu available (which I will like once I find the wiki page for them). Once you're repositories are setup run:
sudo apt-get install mercurial
In the linux vm you need to pull down the mercurial repos (pull both into the same folder so they are peers)
> hg clone
> hg clone
once cloned, navigate to tybase and tyworkflow folders and run make.