Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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EFI Development TODO
ID | Status | Task |
8 | incomplete | Develop install to write YarnBall to flash for automatic load |
9 | incomplete | Develop builder for operator configuration |
10 | incomplete | Investigate how Apple boots to the boot menu (Would allow target machine to give secret keystroke without holding OPT) |
11 | incomplete | Add functionality to deploy implants and payloads (Currently can only boot from covert storage) |
12 | incomplete | Investigate on non-Apple hardware |
13 | incomplete | Investigate on communication with NyanCat through USBUniversal Serial Bus Async/Sync data methods (Would allow larger than 64 byte commands to NyanCat) |
15 | incomplete | Investigate Apple EFIExtensible Firmware Interface camera driver for possible snapshot on boot (and storage to NyanCat) |
16 | incomplete | Add encryption and data extraction capabilities to convert storage |
Hardware/NyanCat Development TODO
ID | Status | Task |
14 | incomplete | Investigate why ControlTransfer commands timeouts to EFIExtensible Firmware Interface driver (some type of non-end of packet transmission) |
17 | incomplete | Intercept USBUniversal Serial Bus keyboard traffic for hardware keylogging capabilities |
18 | incomplete | Move from external USBUniversal Serial Bus thumb stick to SD storage device (present NyanCat as both HID and mass storage device) |